Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 119, 22 Mei 1894 — Hawaiian Hardware Company [ARTICLE]
Hawaiian Hardware Company
The Advertiser wbo catohes a persons eye asnally a customer. Many diflorent st\*Ios of advertis:ng have beea adcpted aud with more orless snccess. by • the believers in tbe use of prin-1 ters iuk. The m«nnfrtcturers of Pears Soap. for instance. occ;is:on allv buv paintings that lmve, been on exhibition ia tue Pari s Salou and have lithogmphs m ule fiom tbem for the purpoee of bringiug thoir prod*ict before the people. In addition to such side issnes, Pearspends haudrevls thonsaniLs of dol!ais annaa!iv among the newspapers and uiag;izines. Some years ago the Agents of certain article on sale in New York made a hit in advertising b\ having on Broudway during bns- I iuess uours two fatlnessly dressed Negroes weariugvery high cr»llars. ;on the b «cks of whieh was prin- ! ted ‘‘L*so Smiths Pills.'’ The , idea was novel and the pnblic caugbt on. Rising Sun Stove, Polish has beeu kopt before the : j puhlie for years through persistent. and sometimes expensive : advertising. Twentv odd venrs ago the mannfacturers of this j po!ish started half a dozen men acrosstbe ornimentto p:iiut sigus on rocks and fences. The Aermotor Co., of Chicago havo increased its sales more than An'Oi hundred per cent in two years by 1 the use of printers iuk. We believe we have been instrumen- | tal in increasing the sdes of the Aemotor by keepingeverlastingly at it in Hawaii. Wo do not wish to say thnt ad- 1 vertising will soll auy manufae- 1 tured articlo; thore is no nso spending money in advertising j ‘‘eheap and nasty” goods boj canse the people will not beboodwinked. If Haviland Cbina was I not tbe superior article k it is, all, ' our advertising of it wouKl not ! bave sold tbe tbousands of Jpieces ! tbat we have. We siraply eall the attentiou of the people to it and its snporior quality is apparent Jo the customer directlv a i pieee of it is exaroined. Printers ink has helped the salo of tbe Jame« Locked Fence but' > it would not bave dones so if it had < been as tiimsy as tbe or dinay wiro fence. First; the economy tbere ■is in building it rccommends ; it to tho pIant-ition manager and , : then its dnrability clinches the i the sale If the stays and washerscost as mueh as an ordin;.r\ redwoo«.l post our sales of tbo; ! material would not have reached 1 such enormous proportions. Onr average sale of tho Pansy ( Iron Stove is abont two a day thc year ronnd. lf was not the | best iron stove on the market we' wouKl not sell tbat many m six| ; months. Advertising is tbo tip ! to the puhlie tbe good points in | thearticle sells it just as the good qualities of the Fischer Steel! Range make it a desirable article ! : for people who wish toeconomise ( iu the use of fnel. We bny only wbat bas proven ; i good after people in tlie Unitedi ! States or £nroj>e have given it a ! trial; we profit by their experince ! if the articles are goood we bov i and sell them; if they are poo*r we stcer clear of tbem. When < we sdvertise an article it is to at- j I tract attention to it ; the newspaper ; s the button we push, the salesman does tbe rest. PersLstent advertising coupled * . with the articla beiog a superior i one has sold tbousands of tbe Frank Walcot Emory File. If it : . bad been no better than an or-! ; dmary scytbe stone we probably j wonld not hare aoU twenty. When a man finds out that his table knives may be keptsb*<rp at ■ all times at au expoitse of fifty ■ eents and a ve«y IitiIo elbow ; greose ha is quite willing tu try tue expenment. ( Tie Hawao Hanlware Co. I 807 Fort Btr«et 1