Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 119, 22 May 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Kmuipe Haloon, ES OLDS, PMor»nrro». Fine V/ine$, Liqnoi% Bsbp, ALWAT8 OS HAXD. Corner Kaiuon and HoteI 5t?wU B*li 4 Teiepn joc 341. P»st OSoe R. i 107 Eei3b!isbed 1863 Plonccr Stcam Candy FACTOilY 6ACKERT ani ICE CREAIPARL0RS F. H0RN, Proprieti»r. \Vedding and Birthdny Ca/:es to Order. Fancij bread and Guava JeUy. Fac*t ry ind Store, No. 71 King Street. Both Tolephones 74 ap28 BRUCE & A. J. CARTWRICHT Ba»ine«t of 8 Fidociary Natore Tr»nsacted. Pioinpi 8tteotioB (riven to the man8gement of £at>tea, G oaniianahipa, Tru»u. stc., etc., etc. : Ca.iuTight Building, M(rchant Street. Honoluln. H. MAY & Co., Tea Dealers, Coffēe Roasters AND Provision Merchants 98 Fort Street, - Honoluln Families, Plantations and Sbips suj>plied with choicest Fnro]t€an & American Groceries * California Produce by Evety Steomer. ,Sans Sauci HDT'EL, WAIKIKI, I tT* - ‘ First-C/ass Aeeommooaiions for fourists and ls/and Guests SUPĒRI0R BATH!RG FaCILITIES. Pri\3te Cottages for FamilleS. T. A. SiMPSON. Manager. OHEAP FURNITURE ! YIH@ FAT & Co. Corner of Kicg and Bethel St&, Honoluln, Offer a 'arge assortraent of fiue and de5irable FURMTURE, <rhich tiej sell at a very low fignre. Btdsteads. Bureaus, Mest Safes, Wardrobes, etc., at prices to amt e\ erybody. Call aud’inspect for your8elves. mar 12 TING FAT i CO.