Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 119, 22 Mei 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
|-j. E. IMPORTEES A>'D DEALER3 I>' * Groceries, 3 3 i'ovisions JLXD Feed, EAST»CORXER rOr.T:rKINGlSTS. New Goods Rec d Bv even* Paekel from the Eastero Ststes snd Europe. Fresb California Prodnce by erery steamer. All orders faithfullv att»nded t<-*, and Go»xLs delivered to anv part of Ihe city FR£E OF OHAIKiE. Island Or»lers Solioite-d. Sat -.{aelioa Goaranteed Pt>st Office Box N>. 14ō, Tele{ hone N>. 9*2.
TEXTH [■ Annual Meeting O T THE k I FTAAVATTA7sr Joekev Club. JUx\E 11. 1891. I Ollieial Programme Races to Coinmence at 10 a. m. Sharp. i lsr—BICVCLE RACE, Prize Sliver Medal; value<i $2-3. Enlianee fee 11.50; mile dash. Free for all. at 1 12 —KALAKAUA PURSE $100. Running R ice; mle uash. Free for all. 3—HONOLULU PURSE 110). Trotting and Pacing, to harness; 2:40 clasa. Free f,r all. Mile heats; best 2 in 3. i—R0SITA OHALLENuE CUP, 1200 ADDED. Running Race: I mile dash. Free for all. \Cinner of eup to beat record of Angie A, 1:45U 5— PRESIDEXT WIDEMANNS CUP, 175 ADDED. Running R ice; for Hawaiian | bred. 4 mile dash. 6— JOCKEY CLUB PURSE M00 Trottingand Pucing, to hatness Freeforall. Mile heats; best 3 in 5. 7— OCEANIC STEAMSHIP CO’S PURSE $100. Running Race; 1 mile dash. For Hawaiian bred. b—MAUI PURSE $100. Trottingand Pacing. toharnes? 3 minule class. For Hawaiian bred. Mile heats; best 2in 3. 9— KAPIOLANI PAKK PURS£ $125. Ruaning Race; 1$ mile cash. Free for all. 10— KAMEHAMEHA PUI1SE. $100 Trotting and Pacing. tc harness. For Hawaiian t'red . miie heats; best 2 in 3. All entries are to be caadt with the Secretary, at the otHce of C. 0. Berger, on Merchant Streef, before 2 p u Wednesday. June 6th, 1S94. at whieh time they will el >se. Entrv £ees t<j be 10 per cent. ot the l-urs€, unless othorwise specifitd. races are to be run or trotted under the rules of the Joc- ' key Club. ‘ All horses are expected tc start unless withdrawn by 12 ‘ o’eloek noon, on June 0th, 1SC4. A!i borses must appea.* or the lrack at the tap of the bell £rom the Judges stand; otfaerwise thev will be fioed. Oeeeml adsisuc& 50 eeoU Gruc 30 oen» *cd C*rriē«“ [mōule of c",wvj eaeL Qa*iterstreu. h |>.C0 W. M. GriSard Secretaxy Hawaiian Jookey Club # may 10—2 wka dly