Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 119, 22 Mei 1894 — A Drop. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

A Drop.

Consul General Wikler who represents—not Hawaii—but the p. g. in San Francisco is enjoying tho sools (if they have any) of litt!e Hatcb, the Advertiaer and the rest of the fiiibasters. by wTiting to them that Frankley Hastings knows all about it, and ean tell more about the inteations and actions of tbe Senators tban any other member of tbe corps diplomatique or newspaperman ean in tbe capitalof Amenea. We noliee thongh that the Cou- ! sul-General also offers Hawaiian Government bonds at a loss ofj 15 per cent. Will some of tbe; . Ministers explain to us. and t n' astounded world, when the p. g. I ; was authorized to sell bonds at 851 At tbe same time, we mav f j • j ” calltbe attention o£ our friendsi ,; in the States to tbe fact th»t! Hawaiian p. g. Governmeut; Bonds —even at 85—are not a' i good investment. They may bo : repodiated—and where are yon then. Perhaps Mr. S. M. Damon I will explain. i; r