Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 119, 22 May 1894 — The "Order" Meets. [ARTICLE]

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The "Order" Meets.

r The distinguished order of “Never Sleeps” entertained abcut * fifty of their friends on Saturday * evening. The impressive cere- ■ mouies of the Order were carried r jout with more tban usnal 1 solemnity and impressiveness ' mneh to tbe entertainment of r tbose who were fortunate eaougb 5 i “to be ei|>ected. ’’ After a pleasant evening passed witb songs r and speecbmakings, the guests departed nnanimous in their opinion that it had been one of * tbe most enjoyable eveniugs, they bad passed for a long time, 1 ; and wisbing long life and cbrocic i insomnia to the members of tbe ’ | Order.