Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 118, 21 Mei 1894 — A Cause Of Regret. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

A Cause Of Regret.

M j>.r I H Wod< iioase who ‘ for nearly thirty years b>is repr'rsenled these islands will sbortly l»e sncceeded in his offieia! eapacitv. The kameuiinas of U»ts ’ coo'itry Lavt; le-mied to appneijte t!ie tuct goodwi!l. itnd diploin;itic >kill of the retiriug of- . fie;sl Britisb repre>entative. Xo Bri:;sb diploraat has beep so manv ve:«rs in this coontry as h.ts M«tjor Wodehouse. It is with tbe regret that this eom- ; raunitv realizes that tbe nurelentiii2 >cvtbe-bearer ‘ time‘ has o I ag.iin interfertd ami has relieved a well-known, a well-respected mau, of Lis cluties. Majur Wodeh 'U&e arrived here in the 60’s. Wo believe that he has found a home here, and that the clnldren whom he has raised to the 1 honor of these isles will always ! look b ick with pleasure, and tgratitnde to tlie Paradise of the Pacific. The Euglish Legation was re}>resenr,ed hero for mauy years. (leiieral Miller, one of the bestknown dipIoiuats representecl the great Enpire in tho ōO’s. He : was, if v\o are correctlv iuforraed , relieved by Mr. Took —Nicbolas who was taken iil, and left the couutry as a hopeless invalid. The late W. L. Greeu took charge of the consulate for a : while uatil Mr. Synge arrived j ■ i here as consnl general of j i; Great Britain. He was sncceed- i ed by Major Wodehouse who, siuce theu, in his unassaming i way has atteudecl to the interests, ■ uot aloue of his native country 1' but of the cocutrv whieh has proved permmieut horaes f"r some .; of liis cLilclren. » We do not kuow of any raore popnlar fumily tban the Wodebonses 1 ere. Tbe departure of tbe Minister and his wife will be I deeplv felt, not alone in English eiiele.w, bnt among the inanv i voung Hawaiiana befrieiuled by tbem. When Eugland again > welcora<:s tbera on ber shores many a kinel tliought will be j L wafted icross the waves to the [ cbildreu and fneucls Ieft behiud unel many a wish will go forward from lie e that the genial faces i of Mr. anel Mrs. Wodehoose will f be seeu in Hawaii again. * Amonjf the valuable additions to our a>lopted coontry, for whieh ; we are indebted to the departing minister. wo inenlion: Mr. and ifrs. Hiy Wodehouse, Mr. and Mrs. E;nest M’odehonse. Mr. anel Mi'. Lonis Von Tempsky. God speod, tho good uian who ■ leaves Hawaii-nei; iuay the day ■ eome when he returns here aml [ fincl bet;er circnmstances, more ■ happiness ami true loyalty.