Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 118, 21 May 1894 — The New Constitution. [ARTICLE]

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The New Constitution.

Ti<e c >u-*titulion »ur tl<e “ Hawaiino Re{»ubiic” L«» heen cut i ;• tjtl li. ie<i aiiii foMe»l up several / luontlis •g *. aitbongh tLe p g. | ir* s» *uul« le*<l tiie pnblic toi Mippu-.» tb; t tlie‘p' *cion« charter| of our liberties iu'gut bave been | M-nt t»\ its fr*ruei-f r revi»ton t«• llie c.«liph i f B;<gditl, or senator Morgan, or the l'atriarcb of Jeru salera, aod is on its w-av oot here bv gmvel train orsorae otber pro tracted niean» "f loeomolion booked t<* =*rrive by tbe first of Jnne. On iisarriv ii, tbe countrv in to start on a new bas;sas a fall b.own Rep iblic witb a House of Representative« of its owu, uud » senate to >e norainateJ by the Lxecut.ve Council. Nobody in Hawaii, outside of tlio oligarchy. 18 particula rly desirous of posses - >>iug an upper bon.se, bot the j*aternal solicitude of tbe 8tevens directory r sas boai)dless as its capacit\ for bo<xlle aud railitary Kmdergartenisrn, and therefore it considers it necessary tbat tbe old irrerao - :ible disease of sngarbag House of Lords sbou!d be bpsto»ed ipon tbo inhabitants lest tbey b *corae too bappy. Of - course the new 8enate will be chiefly oomposed of men who l»ave been defe«ted c»ndidutes »t previous elcct ons, it being assumed tb»t becati ,<* a man \vas reg»rded by the electors under the Monarcby as uufit to legis!ate for a brief tenu <*f yeurs, he is therefore eniinently qualified to boss the legislution of tbecouutry f«>r the period of bis natuial life, and when the supply of cast-ofl' politiciuii8 ru is short, the vacancies \\ill be fill«*d up by the dore!ict returne«l v ard-beQlers and use«l up uomine *s, left over frotn tbe boodle-ief<*nn era. There is au excellent raateri«l on li»udoutof whieh toconstruct tlus new aiistocracy. and when the old ho iorables »re asserabled th« re is a prosj«ect of a healtby uud en!ive iing scrimm»gc for su-' j<reniacy. A gre»t de.«l dependsj on whelhe • tiio Lower House bitsj tbe rj*j>er \vith sutficieut vig r »t tbe start, «nd scures the uiisfit o!ig iichs i ito pruuipt snbmissiou, if it f»ils n the y*erforniauce of tbis duty, trouble is iuevitable. The fact t iat tbe ‘ Lor«ls will y*ossess a 1 *ng le»se if uot a loug life »otboi ty while the iutmbers of t ie Lower Cbauiber being subject to biennial election have only I »n ephenu lal exist«*nce, fills tbe ex»lte«l se iators with a d©rHnged, idc« of their own iiny*ortance whieh ean only be t «kendowb by judicious ;.i d well directed vjol tuce. Th ; coustitutiou whieh is iutended or submission t<> the c«<nventioi incre«ses tbe Executive C'ounciL-iudey*eudeut of ti.e President -to six niembers. »nd so far marks au iucrease in »\tr»vagance nnd corruptiou of irresponsi >le ru!e. lt wouK be superfluons at pres« nt to im ulge m sy>eculatiou as to w bethei tbe world w ill eouliuae i*evolviug ong enongb on its axis to allow tae proy>osed co«istitutiou»l eon ention to asseral*le.bnt aa»nmiug b»t tbe couvontion will iuoot, ai «l a niajority vote f«*r tbej ostablisbii g of an Upy*er Hoose. | tbe coutin«ency will st.ll reraaiu. susy*ended liko tbe sword of! l)amocles, that tbe nine-tentbsof i tbe y*eople wbo are notrepreseuted in the «ouveutiou niay imy*ress it' opinim on the sny*erflaoas j y>eerage t iat tbe dignity of an Uy>y*erHoise doesu’t amouut toi anytbing. and tbat tbe House it- j self had letter crawl under tbe bed and k<*ep out of sigbt