Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 118, 21 Mei 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Business Cai*ds 11. L()SE, >Totarv L^uhlie. Co!kctor and Gtneral Bus‘ness Agent. Patentce of Lose's Chevical Covrt>i xd for Clari fuini/ Cane Jmce. Sub-Agent tor several of the Be.it FIRE I.\srRAXCE COS. Mntnal Te!ephoc« s. P. O. Boi S3S. Merchant street, Honolnla. Wle.3t Market Oppo. Qneen Emnui Hall, Establiabed 1SS3. JOS. TINKER, bU T cHe^ Maker ofthe CeUhrated Cambridge Pork Sausacje ! Try Thev. Meat Delivered to Any Par: of the City aud Suburbs. Mutual Telephone Number 2S0. CEMEWT 5paqitE durbing Laid. Estimates given on all kinJ- a of 3fcone, (īoiie^e^pia^ei 1 C0XCRETE A SPECIALTY. JXO. F. UOWLEE. janl7 3rn C.T. AKANA īailoi 11 321 Nuuanu Street — A.11 Suits Guaraiiteed To Fit and in the Latest • Style. Clothes Cieaned and Repairud. nol7i GHAS. GIR0LER, lmpoiter anel Commi.ss on Merchant SPECIALTH25: J. Ā P. Co»U’ Maehine Thrvat! Jonas Brock_-i Maohine Threa>l Eiwhoue* Linen Thread Penn' So«p P. O. Box 355. MutuoI|Teiephoiv- 330 13 Kuhnmuio Street. LEWIS & C0.. Wholesale and Retail jGro AXD PROVISION DEALERS ?RĒSRCAUF0imSALM0N ON ICE Bj £r«rr 8an Fr*ocUco Steamer. Salt Salmox IX BaRR£L3 a Spec ialty. Hi Fort 57., Tel. 240 , O. Eox