Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 118, 21 May 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
HWIl HOLOIWU^, IS PCBUSH£D Kverv xVfternoon E3lCEIT 8TSDAT BY THE Holomua Pub!isliiag Co. At King St. (Tbomas bloc*k), Honolnlo, H. I. 5tn ww * * ~ ‘ •***««« •* WWA. TL«> {«r*r de!irerH l>y Carriers in the town «n 1 Hhuin. 1 nie»iwS«l® *; tii \pws Deu!» rs a&d >t tLe t)ffioe of {■nbl>otion. EOUUW 7 ORR!E, ■ ■ Editor GEORGE E. SUJTH!ES ■ Manoger XOTICE. \11 Hosiiie«s Coianiut , lciitions r-honld lie n hinMw-') to »leorgc E Smithies Honoluln, H. I. f.>m>s(ionne»ce nn.l f<mitnnnifaitions lor , imlilic:ition *hon!d l>e adiltvs.seil to the E<Utor llaw iU Hoiniuna. X-j notice wiil be j>ai(l u» Hiiy auouyiuooa cou>uuiuieutiou.s. Husincss Cards A. P. PETERSON, ATTOKNEY AT LAW. Offl'v; 113 Knahumann S*reet, Honolnln Hawuiinn IhIuuiIh. CHARLES CREIGHTON, ATTOEXEY AT LAW. Office-. 113 Kaahumaun Street, Honolnln Hawaiian Inlamla. PAUL NEUMANN, ATTORNKY AT LAW. 514 Merchaut Street, Honoluln, Mutual Telepbone 415. CLARENC£ IV. ASHFORD, \TTORXEY AND COUNS£LLOB AT LAW. A)ffioe. Ohl CapitoI BaiMtng, (Honolnln Uale), adjoiniug l*ost Office, Honololn. JOHN LOTA KAULUKOU, ATTORNEV AT l.AW, 4)lTtce, corner King Bothel Sts. LEMTS J. LEVEY, Heal Estate and Oeneral Anctioneer. Coroer Fort and Quacn Stret-ts, Honolnln Porsonal sttention given to Sales of Farniture, Kenl Estate, Stock and General Merchandise. M-.itual Tctephone 2;C* A. ROSA, ATTOKNEI AT LAW, No. 15 Kaahumaun St., Honolnlo, Hawaiiau Islands. AIoix?liant Kxclian<re Coruer K>ng ano Nauauu Strert*. S. 1, SHA\V... Manager. The FimMt setection of LIQUORS and BEER, sold »nywhere iu tbe t.>wn. Kirxt-c!a-s atteudamv. C*ll and jadge l.w yvnraeif. no 113-tf. THOMAS LINDSAY Mannf\uiuring Jt-urlrr and Waichnutker, Mclncmy BW*ck. 405 Fort, Str. Hoooht!« F. CrEItTZ. JIAS KE OPKNKI) HIS Boot & Shoe Store, Opp 's:te the Clob Stable on Fort Street. and will be g!nd to 6de his old fncnds. iaay7-tf.