Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 118, 21 Mei 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
WM. DAVIES, IXierger, Stovedoix> >nd AV i i ecker. EiTnilATES VN D CONTE.VCTS ON ALL KIXDS OF WOKK. The Schoooner MAHIMAHI, sriU roa regT»Iarir t> tweea this por: and \Valt!ua, RAvraihapiii, Mokulriit. Keawenui »nd Kmki nn tUe of Oahu For f.-eight, etc , apph to the Capt.in. Inquire at Ol ic»‘ of J. S. V\‘alker, o\vr Sj»reck»-1>’ Btnk, or Wright Bros l'ort Street. 18- f Long Branch. BATHING Establish ment. This First-class Bathing Rcsort bas been enlargeJ aml is now open to the pu >lie. It is the best plaeo on tbe i.slanJs to enjoy a balh and the:e is no bitter plaee to lay ort. Special aeoomraotlations for Lj <lies. Tramcars pass the door ev» rv half houvand on Saturdays aud Suudays every lifteen minutes. 0. J. SHE. RW00l) Proprietor. 1)A1N1IT(»X Hotel street (Arlington Block.) The al>ove 8tore hns receiveil arother Splemlid Iuveiee of JaPANESE jEiLK, AN C Y jJjOODS, Per S.S. “China.” —COMrRLSl.NO — BEAUT1FUL 5 ILK DAN CRAPE, Dress Goods in all sha le, plain and fignred. t.'ushious, Table Covei Bed Cove ■a, Gown«, Chemises, Sbawls. Silk Crape !i liiiliow Silks, AU Colors Fan y Draperies, EMBHOIDEEED HANDKERCHli:rS, DollIies, Soarfs, Sashef, Jackets, Cn Etc., Etc. N0VELT1ES: The ?ricesof these Go<k1s will astonish you inelu Ung ELEGaNT S!LK KiMONOS! Haudsome Cig*ret; > Cases. Pii Cushions. Sdk Tea Cossies, LIRGE A5D «X1LL ilPAHENE RU«S Silk CnibreHis, lkht but stroug; Chair S*ddles. Siii; Bamboo Bhnds, fiited with pa!lcy:; Silk Lamp Shades. a, w stylc. JAPANBSE SCK1.ENS, Fnmi »J l p, LAKliE JlPi>ESKl IBKELLIN Caa be Set witl Pole ia the groand, niee for Picuics or Lccchesoat of dx>rs, they ean be openrd om or a»ed as a te;it. CUTTON CRAPES IX GREAT VARIETY Insptvūvu Eespect "ally Invited. MRS. J. P. P. COLLACO. Proprietress. Aprl2-3ma W. S. I_UCE Wine and Snirit Merchant Cnnpbdl Fire-proof Block. MEBCHANT ST., H030LULU,