Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 118, 21 Mei 1894 — Enterprise. [ARTICLE]
The times are h»rd— so we *re told, &nd we are inclined to feel the tmth of the statement. The indcstries promised to be opened f bv Mr Thnrston and others have t not vet materialized. In faot . i our reverend and virtuous ambasj sador to Washington has failed Ito connect. It is therefore a great pleasi;re to record tbat Mr L R- R- Hind a pt\>minent and . wealthy sugar-planter in Kohala, > iustead of tbrowing up tbe sponge and giving way to the ‘ hard times ' has facetl the issne, and made arrangements in • the sbipping line whieh will i materully help his plantation. , Mr Hind succeeded as a Nohle īu the last leg:t;mate Legislature i to pass a bill whieh createJ Ho- | noipu a port of entry. Honoipu ) is a raost e\cellent landiug, and t Mr. Hiud together with other planters realized that it was as well to make money for the plan-i ters as «eil as for the Wilder s , Steamship Coiupany. Mr. Hicdj arrived here lately in a Si\iling| j vessel. aml he brought \vith him ■'i ni -st t \cellent <Mitlitof raaterial i whieh siiortly will be put inshape, an«l whieh in ihe future will make the planters of Kohala dispense witb the services of the Railroad Companv and make the prodqctiou of sngnr eheap enough to meet the present prices. Whyj don’t our other,and howling planters follow the ex »mple of Mr. Hind'