Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 118, 21 May 1894 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]
'• C€lerate<J Case ” tomorrow night. - Wind light northeast todav:| weather wann. Boring is progressing slow!y at Pearl Harbor. Mrs. (rans lectnres tonight at Kaaaiahao cborch. Th is is the hnai weet of Dailey’s clever company. Dr. Tambler is done preaching at tbe Central Union. — TLe Holowa is the people s paj»er at 50 cents per month. The U. SS. Marion wiII probably leave for home on Wednesdav. Canoe racing was a most inter estiug sport at Waīkiki on Sun<iay. The Paradise of the Pacific has been sold to Messrs Clay aud Hoogs. The senior captain bas returned to town. Tbe Murshul is non esi, not kon The Jockey Club meinbers are culled together for meetiug this eveuing. Josie Gasstnan, the Holomua favorite, niadethe usual hit iu the ■‘Serpeutiue” dance. The baseball game was well patrouized Iast Saturday, and both teams played well. - Several arrests were made by the poliee tcnlay ou churges of assault aud battery. The apotbecary of the Phileulelphia is reported to be one of tive heirs to 150,000. — Miss Gassmuu and Miss Genevievo Nannary will executo the famous skirt dance this week. l — Col Jim Sherwood has had several select bathing parties late!y at Long Branch. Straugers ouly. Manager Dailey has been pres-1 sed ou all sides to repeat “Moute Cristo” and has consented for a farewell appearance. The poliee are handling men-of-war men iu u rougber mauner than would have been allowed undt r Marshul M ilson s administratiou. Mr. Tom Wall one o{ tho p. g.’s is reported to be pulling hard for the position now filled bv Mr. E. Wodehouse in the Postal Saviugs Bank. Tbe accident whieh is reported to h«ve happoned to a young sooiety lady of this city lms had no serious resu!ts. The usual Sunday services took plaee at tho Makiki shooting rauge. The p. g. people were prominent by their—presence. — There is a strong doubt that the death of the native fouud on Emma street resulted frora nat ural canses. Come in line, Mr. Attorney General. — Miss Edith Auld daughterofj Mr. James Auld. the foreman of [ the Press Pnblishing Co.. of thisi city, waa m.trried on the 19th inst. to Mr. H. C. Mortoo at Los An{geles. Calif. The nominations for the Ame-’ rican League tonight wiil be,for president; McStocker, Murray, Dillingbam, For secretan’: Stackable; another new dode in town. The Opera House had a larga i audience on Saturdav night to view the Mulcahy’s Visit and a Crushed Tntgedian. Tho writer I do the per£ormancee tbe * jnstic« they deserve.