Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 118, 21 May 1894 — Hawaiian Hardware Company [ARTICLE]
Hawaiian Hardware Company
The Advertiser who catche> a person> eye usa%liy wics a ! costomer. Manv difierent >tv‘les > of ajvertising h.-we been »doptoi; aud w.ih more or Ie>> $ncccss, by the believer> iu the use of pr:nters ink. The mannfactarers of Pears Soap. for ii:st:ince. oeeaaion al!v buv paintings that have been on exbibition in tbe Puri s Salon and have lith"graphs made froiu them for the pur{>ose of bringiug tbeir pr<xl ;ct before the j>eopie. lu addition to sucb , snle issues, Pearspends hnndred> thousmds ot dollus aunnally araong the newspapers und ni;igazines. Some years ago the Agents of certain aiiiele oa sule in New York m!ide a hit in aJvertising b\ baving on Broadway during bus- > iness hours two futluessly dressed Negroes weariog verv lugii collurs. jon the b ioks of whieh was pnnted “L"se SmitL> Pills.” Tue ; ideu was novel and tlie pnhliel caught on. Rising Sun Stove i Poloh lms beeii ke{-t before the 1 public fcr yeurs tlirough persis- | tent, aiul sometimes expeti'ivt‘ | advertising. Twejjtv odd years ago the manufacturers of this po!ish started huif a dozen men ! acrossthe ornimout t> p iiut s : gu> on rocks und feuces. The Aerj motor Co., of Chicugo have iu- | oreased its salos more th in five I huudred per cent in two years hy the use of printers ink. We we have been instruniental in increasing the siles of the Aemotor by keepingeveriasting’} at it in Hawuii, We do uot wish to say that advertising will sell unv manufaco w tured article; thore is no use spending raouey in advertising •‘eheap and uasty” goods becuusa the people will not be hoo<l winked. If Huvilund Ohinu vvas not the snperior article ,it i>, ail onr advertising of it wonlJ not | have sold the thons;inds of pieee? i ; that we have. We simply eull the uttention of the people to it and its superior qnality is :ipparent to the customer directlv a * pieee of it is examined. Printers iuk bas hel|>ed the sak | of the Jame® Locked Fenco but ! , . i it woukl not huvo <1 ne> so if it hael been asflimsy as the or din iy wire ! feuce. First; the economy there is in building it recommen.l>| I it to the plantation managet an.l; ; then its durability cliuclies thc j the salo If the stays aiul washers cost as inueh as an ordinar\ i redwood post our sules of thc i material woukl not have reacbed I such enormous proportious. Our averugo salo of tho Puus\ Iron Stove is ubout two a dav the i year ronnd. If wus not the, best iron stove on the market we j woukt not sell that many in sixj months. Advertising is the tip ! t"> the publ;c the good points in thearticle sells it ju-t as the good qnalities of the Fischer Stee: Pkange make it u desirable artiele for people who wish to economise \ in tho use of facl. j We bny on!y what has proven good after people in the LniU l States or Earopc bave given it a trial; we profit bv their esporince if Ihe articles arc g‘X>od we buy andsellthom; if tbey are pooi : we steer clear of them. When we adverti.se an article it is to attract atteutiou to it; tbe newspaper : s the button we pash, tbe salesman does the rest. Porsiatent advertisiug eoupleo with the art.cle being a superior : one bas sold thous uids of tbe Frank Waleoi E:nory File. If it bad been no better than an or- i dinary scythe stone we probably wouki not have sold twenty. When a man finds out that Lis table knivcs may be kept sh.rp at all tiioes at an expenso of fifty cents and a very liUle elbow grease he is qcite wiliing to try tue eipenmenL ras Hiko HailiaK Co. _ 301 Fort '