Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 117, 19 Mei 1894 — Hawaiian Hardware Company [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Hawaiian Hardware Company

j The Advert who catches a per3ons eye asua’lly wins a' eustomer. Maay d.r!erent sh 'es of advertisicg Lave beoa adoptcd j aad witb more or less sacoess, by the believers in tbe use of printers ink. The maunfacturers of Pears Soap, for instanco. oocasion , i allv buy paintings that have been on exhibition ia the P»ri’s Salon and have lithograpbs mado from thera for the puqx>se of bringing their pro«l :ot before the peopie. In addition to such side issues, Pear spends hundred> thousands of dollais annnallv among the newspapers and nng azines. Some years ago the Ageut> of certain article on sale'in New Yorfc made a hit in advertising b\ Laving on Broadway doring busl iness hours two f:itluessly dressed Negroeswearingvery collars, |on the backs of whieh was priuted “Use Smiths Pills.'' The idea \vas novel and tho puhliei ! caught oq. Rising Sun Stov** i Polish has been kept before the | public for years tlirougb persistent, and sometimes expensive advertising. T\venty odd years ago the manufacturers of tbis polish started half a dozen men j acrosstheornimeutto piaint signs 1on rocks and fencos. Tho Aer- ! motor Co., of Chicago have increased its sales more than five; hundred per cent in two years by the use of printers ink. Wo beheve wo have been iustrumen- j tal iu increasing the s tles ot’ the Aemotor by keepingeverlastingly at it in Hawaii. We do not wish to say that advertising will sell auy mauufac- j tured artiole; there is no use I spending money in advertisingj •‘eheap and uastv” goods be-j cause the people will not be Lood- j \vinkod. If Haviland Ohina was not the superior article -,it is, all our advertising of it woukl not bave sokl the thonsands ofrpieces that we bave. We siraply eall the attention of the people to it aud its superior quality is apparent to the customer directly a pieee of it is exarnined. Printers ink has Lelped the sale of the James Locked Fence but it woukl not have dones so if it bad been as flirasy as the or dinay wire fence. First; the economy thero is in buikling it recommends it to the plantation manager aml then its durability clincbes the the sale Ifthestays and washers cost as mueh as an ordinary redwootl post our sales of the) ma4erial woukl not have reached sncb enormous proportions. Our average sale of the Pansy Iron Stove is about two a day the year round. If was not the best iron stove on the market we would not sell that manv m six montbs. Advertising is the tip to tbe publ;c the good points in thearticle sells it jnst as the gootl qnalities of tbe Fischer Steel, Range make it a desirable article ; for people who wish to economise! in the nse of fuel. W e buy only what has proven good after people in the Unite-l ‘ States or Europe have given it a trial; we profit by their experince if the articles are gooo-.i we bnv and sell lbem; if tbey are poo'r we steer clear of them. When we advertise an articie it is to at-! tract attentiou to it; tbo news- i paper is the button we pasb, the; salesman does tbe re«t. Persisteut advertising coup!ed \ [ with the articie being a saperior j * one has sold thoasaads of the ; Franc WaIcot £jnory File. If it j had beeu no better than an or-' dinary scythe stone we pr?bablv j would not have sold twenty. Whea a man finds out that his j table knives may be kept sh jrj) at! j all times at an expense of fift\ { cents and a veiy little elbow grease he is qoite villing to tn ! ( tbe experunēnt. Tiis Hinum HirifiT8 Ci, !. 3U7 Fort Str«et ‘