Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 117, 19 Mei 1894 — Always Incompetent. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Always Incompetent.

8nperintendent Kowell is now makiug wharves for the p. g. His skill or rather laek of skiil fcas beeu frequently commentod on in this paper. Tho manaor iu whieli the new wharves are being built is enough to make au angel weep. The very conscientious but very incompetont superintendent is having a pieuie. The taxpayers will foot the bill aud will lose about :?4000. The piles used are too short and have to be spliced. The wise ilowell expectedto find eoial, and found mud. His name should be “mud.” To join the too short j>iles the practical superintendent is using 2x4 scantlings. The performance is beautiful. The result will be still more beautiful. The first time tliat a “pacific” swell should be felt here tlie wharves of Mr. Howoll will join him iu the mud. Are there not ono or two decent meu in the Councils of sufficient iudependence to eall the Miuister of the Iuterior to task and ask him for an explanation? Wh ?re in—China is Cecil Brown?