Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 117, 19 Mei 1894 — STILL THERE. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


The “ Advertiser ” Lies. Uolonel Claus Spreckels receirwl a !etter from W:ishington whieh emoLatically sh ws that the poor sininials known as missionaries, are “way up in the sky.” The Oolonel who is the biggest pi »nter in Hawaii «loes not believe one of the seusational itm;s publishe«l in the special Advertisrr. Tbe paper lie»; its e*litor is a fool anel the results arc amusing. Private correspondence from men who hold more inAuenee than any of the p. g. suckers, informs onr friends tbat restoration is solid. tbat the p. g. has signified its willingness to help it along and that the name of the Japanese figbting, Chinese opposing, crowd is nnw veiy mueh in the Mud. Hawuiian Jnstice— forever!