Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 117, 19 Mei 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

T“He A^WA^DED, Anheuser-I3usch Brewing Co. Wini the I?rize at the AVorld 5 S ail? wit h their l£AGrL lil JBrand 13eei\ St. Ix>ns. Oit. 28. Messbs. Macfajlaxe & Co., L*d.*.' — Henoialu, H. I. Dear Sirs: —We have maileel you a copy of the Globe~Democrat annoaneine, the great victorv wou by the AJfHETSEB-BcsH AssoclvtION with their EAGLE ’ Braud of Beer. [Signed] AAHEUSER-BCBH BEW1NG ASSOCIATION. m k o 3 ss % fe/ a e ui ■ :T- * - © £ & & Tv#* msH'.VL In orderi ig this Beer be snre to ask for the “EAQLE” Brand. JVIacfarlane & Co., Mar. 11—-iud. Agents for Hauaiian Islands. ORD VTA¥ & PORTER Robinson R1ock, Hotel St., heiween Fort and Nunanu, Have Jnst Eeceivfd, yer Late Arrivals, the Laigest Slock of FUR N1TL KE Ever Imported to this Country, Comprising Handsome Carved Bedroom Sets In Solitl Oak, ar.d of the LA TEST DESIGNS. ESPECIAL ATTENT10N IS CALLED T0 THESE SETS: WICKLER WA Beantital Des : gns of Ware, consisting of S01AS, CHAIJ.IS, B0CKERS, etc., you ean get these in acv FINTSH vou desire. DHAIRS, Couutless uumbers of CHAIRS, in even' stvle, including OFFICE aud HIGH CHALRS. :BZS: , T:E]2TSIO;LT TABLE3, We have bad a namber of calls for these Tables. with CHAIRS to match. Wo have now iu stock the most BEAUTIFUL 0ININ6 ROOM FURNITURE EVER SEEN HERE. Sideboards and -:- Cliiffoniers 5tdi va i\r s . Divans covere«l with POETIERS are becoming quite the rage in plaee of LOUNGES—we manufactore them to order, and have a laigo stock of PORTIERS to sel-ct from. BSDDI1TGGreat Assortment ofWOVEN W1RE MATTRESSES—Spring,Hair Moss, Wool and Straw Mattresses ou hand and roade to order L1VE GEESK FEATHERS and SILK FLOSS fur Pillowa. CBIBS, CRADLES, etc. WINDOW SHADES of all colors and sizes. CORMCE POLES, in wood or bnss trimmings. IE3 B IX3 X XT O-. Mattresses, Lounges and all Upholstered Furniture repaired a r?asonabIe rs tes. CABINET MAKINO. in ail its branches, by Compeaent Workmen MATTING LAID and Int.rior Decorating ander the Supervision o Mr. GEORGE ORDWAY. Our Goo«is sre First CUss. and <wr prices are the lowest Com< and bo convincet. —a trial i» soiicited. Bell 52ō. TZLxraoSE8: Muiuai 645. ORDWAY & PCRT£B, Robinaon Blook, betveea Fort aad Naoani