Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 117, 19 May 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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?tart unle?> withdr.twn by 12 o'eloek noou. on June 9th. 1SV*4. tgr\\\ hor<-s niu-i appear on the track at the Up of the bell 1 from the Judges «Und. otherwise lhey will be tinerl. General kUmwion *>0 eenU Granti stand (extnj -V> eenu md ${ l’imae'? of coatse] **ach.. , QnKTterstreU'h bn<lgtss .>0 AV. M. Giliard Secrelarv Hjw.iii tn Jockev Club • <• • may 10 —2 wks dly OCEA X tc SteamsliipCo JETOX TJie Lease and the Good Will of tJiis Favorite Famihj Hoiei. THERE ARE FOUR DETACHED Cottages annexed to the Hotel sait.tble f)rprirate f irai!ies. The main buildi r ifī contains 20 Bed Rooms large UiniDg Hoom. P*rlor, etc. The furniture is all e!egmt and in good condition. The Grounds are beantifully laid oot in Trees, Fluwexs, Ferns, and other Piants. This bosiness ean be bfought at a bargtin on ea«y terms aS to paymont. gV'App!v to T. E- K ROUSE. Arhngtoa Holel office. may 9-1 wk. DAX. LY()NS CUVSSES Met at Arion Hill everv TUESDAY and FKIDAV KVfc£NlXGS, at 7 O eloek. A!so, on everv Satcbday Akter.\oox at 2 0’eloek. i Tuition, 23 cents fnr eaeh Lesi#oa, aad satisfaction g ianntead or no charges maile. i may8-tf