Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 117, 19 Mei 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

E, B^o IMPORTERS AND DEALEKS IN Grroceries, l?rovisioiis A>D Feed, EAST.CORXER FORT.A'K [NG;STS. New Goods Rec'd By every Packet from the Eastern States nn«3 Enrope. Fresh California Pro.lace by every steamer. All orders faithfu!lv atteadeii to. Gor><is «ieiivere<l to any part of the eih* FR£E 0F CUARGE. Islan«.l Onlers Solicited. Satisfaction Gaaraute- tl. Post Office Box No. 145. Telephone No. 92.

TENTH Annual Meeting of ynE HA.A\WiriV>T Joekev Clnb. JUNE 11. 1894. Offldal Proirramme C tāT Races to Com/nence at 10 a. m. Sharp. 1 lsx—BICYCLE RACE. Prize Sliver .Medal; 1 mile dash. Free for all. 2— HAWAII PLAIE I Ruaning Race; 4 mile dash. Free for all. 3— HONOLULU PLATE I Trotting and Pacing. to Hameae; 1.40class. Free for all. Mile heats; best 2in 3 »V 4 — OCEANIC S.S.CO’S CUIM ADDED. Running Race; 1 miie dash. For Hawaiian bred. 5— PRESIDENT WIEMANN'8 CUP, I . ADDED, Runnir.g Race; 14 mile dash. Free for all. 6— KAPIOLANI, park PLAIEI Trotting and Pacing; 2:40 class. Free for all. Mile neat; best 2in 3. Pacers to go to road cart. 7— KALAKAUA PLATE * Trotting Race; 4 mile dash For Huwaiian bred. 8 — KAUAI PLATE f Running Race; 14 mile d\sb. For Hawaiian bred. 0—JOCKEY CLUB PLATE # Trottingand Pacing, to harness Free 6»r all. Mile heats; best 3 in 5, 10— R0SITA CHALLENCE CUP. # ADDED. Running R»ce: 1 mile d.»sh. Freefor ali. \Vinner to best record of Angie A, 1:4-3). 11— KAMEHAMEHA plate#Trotting and Pacing, to harness. For Hawaiian ored; mile heats; beat 2 in 3. 12— PONY K.\CE ♦ Running Race J mile dash. For Hawaiian bred Ponies; 14 haads and under;eatch weight. 13— MAUI PLATE I TroUingand Pacing, toharnees 3 minule class. For Hawaiian bred. Mile heats; best 2in 3. gjtF~W\ entries are to |be made with the Secretary, at the office of O. Berger, on Merchant ttree<, ,before 2 p M \Vedne»Iay, June 6th, 1804. alwhieh timethey will eloee. Entry fees to be 10 per cent, ot the l»uree, anleaa otberwise specified. All races are tu be run or trotted ander the rules of the Jockey Club. Aii horses are expecte«i