Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 117, 19 Mei 1894 — Incoming Passengers. [ARTICLE]
Incoming Passengers.
Followiug is a list ot the pas-sengei-s who arrived from the Coast by the ste«mer Australia this mOrning: Miss Winuie E Allen, Mrs L M Babcock. Miss Helen Babb, Henry P Beckley, Wm Boeter, W Berger. Miss Helen T Bdcon,| Miss LiiKe A Cole, Rev R F Coyle | aml wife, Mrs». Geo W Cannev,. Miss S K Cowell, Miss May Da mon. Mrs. Susanne Eno, C J' Falk, Mrs C U Haven, Miss Carrie Haven, Jndge C F Hart aud wife, Miss Hart, Mrs J Hutchinson. Mrs J D Jones and two childr«n, Miss Abbie C Johnson, Mr? J G Jackson. Dr J Koedig, J L Laird and wife, E R Lilienthal and wife. Misses (2) Liliethal. Robt, Lewers, Fprof W W| fvovejoy. John T McGrew. Geo W Macfarlane and wife, F W Macfarlane, wife and maid, Capt Wm Matsou, Mrs E MoEwen, D E Mnrphy, S Peek, Rev H H Rioe, C B Ripley, Wm Ross, Mrs H W Severance, Miss Severance, Col J H Soper, John L Sardy and wife. John Tregloan and wife, R J Umbstaetter and wife, E S Watson, Mrs Maurer, Mr H £ Coweil.