Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 117, 19 May 1894 — PERSONAL NOTES. [ARTICLE]

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r Samcel Parker and familv retnrned this morning bv the Kinan. Marshal Hitchcock wa« expected tbis momicg, but did not rehirn to his ofl5cial seat Evidently the Marshal prefers bis old stamping gronnds in Hilo to the official harness whieh makes him ■ 'jnJ to Lorxin Andrews and Captain Kiemme in Honolnlu. ) ! S-enior C«ptain Lorrin Andrews filled his boots on the Maaiaea . wharf last nigbt—he didu t eome dowu. Mr. Kadolf Spreckels and 1 partv returne<l this moruing bv the Kinaa from Hawaii. Hon. Samuel P.irker and family who have perforraed the sad ! act of placing iu his last resting , plaee the eldest son of that wellknown family retarned this morning to the eapilaL Mr. Charles Magaire tbe son-in-law of Mr. 1 I Parker c:»rae down with him. Mrs. Vagaire who is uuder the , care <>f the very -killful physician Dr. Brodie is 3*et a patient and is »»t present an inmate < f the diniijae of L’r. Brodie, and, it . is p!eas»nt to state, is doing eomI paratively well. The Australia broogbt to_our sbores Coloue! and Mrs. George Macfarlane. Our popular fellowcitizen looks extremely well and will be received by Lis many friemls together with his wife with a hearty ipplaud and an appreciative weleome. Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Macfarlane returned this morning. Mr Maefarlane passed a few weeks in! San Francisco, and was present! at tbe wedding cf his brother. Among the passengers by the Australia was Mr. J. H. Soper. Quoting the Ad\ertiser we notice the remarkable stateraent that he will, liko OtheIlo, find himself without au ocenpation. Mr. J. H. Sopers whiskers look fierce; but, alas, he is no longer a eolouel. Judgo Hart and family are passengers by the Anstralia. The Judge now realizes that Honolulu is good enough, when sugar is low. Messrs. Paul Nenmaun and J. O. Carter did not retnrn as: expected. Im’)ortant bnsinessl has kept the two prominent gentlemen abroad. Mr. Eobert Lewers was a prominent passenger by the Australia. Good reports are received from John Wilson and Frank Andrade who are studying at t!ie Stanford University. Mr. Joe Andrade, an employee of Mr. E. S. Cunha, returned this morning frora Califoruia and reports the ‘‘boys” in first class condition. * i