Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 117, 19 Mei 1894 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]
The Australia brooght a very ligbt rnail. No band naisance &t the ball game today, lreland at Kawaiahao Chorch on Momlay nigbt. The ancient '>treet-sweeper is . now nsed at nights. The Alameila is eipected to briug important news. The p. g. band plays this afternoon at £mma square. Baseball at the Hecreation grounds tbis afternoon. Her Majesty the Qaeen is enjoying excellent health. The battallion drill took pl&ee last night, as advertised. Miss Gassman will regret her “gorj)entine” dance tonight. Nomination night at the League meeting on Monday next. Tlie Marrimoo, from Victoria B. C. is due here on next Wednesday. — The Australla arrived as usual, this moriiing. from San Francisco. Fresh sparkling and refreshing * Bock beer is again on tap at the J’antboon. The Scheutzen Club will gather a stroug crowd togetber at the next meeting. It is expectod that the Cres-i cents will have a uew pitcher iu | the box today. “Mulcahy’s Visit” aud “A Crushed Tragedian” tonight at the Opera House. Mr. Dailey will be ‘Mulcahy’ and Mr Vinton, ‘Muldoon’ iu ‘Mulcahy’ Visit tonoght. Dauce and Comedy presented iu a double bill should satisfy the seekers of hearty langhs touight at the Opora House. Gallagher was sentence<l this morning to 6 raonths irafrisonment and a fine of $5.00. Appeal has been noted. Manager Hequa at the Empire ( is having a patronage for the old age family wines whieh exceeded his expoctations. The Honolulu CricketClnb and a team from H. B. M. S. Champion will meet in friendly rivalry at the old ball grounds this afteruoon. The n»gged dag whieh has disgraced the Palaee for so long a time has given wsy to the im- ■ portunities of the Holomfa aud changed its appearance. Many an eye now dances to see what banner is in the sky.