Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 116, 18 Mei 1894 — Guilty. [ARTICLE]
Ben Gall:igher w«s foand guiltv and recomaieaded to mercv l>y a jun* this afteruoon. The trialj whieh was postponed from Weduesdtv opeued this morning. 1 The defense c:\Ued Messrs. C. B. Wilson, F. Wundeuberg, J. S. W*lker and Naone. Bert. Peterson was called. but the Court mlel his evidence j ont. The defence then called | Cecil Browu who testifjed that ; j Gal!igber had uo teeth with 1 ; whieh ha coald b:te. īn re-; i butt.il Bert. Pet >rson was called by Mr. Kinney Tho jnry wasj • addressed br C. W. Ashford forj • the defense an 1 W. K nney for ■. the prosecution. Afier deliber i ; ating aboct half an bour a verdict - of ••guilty with recom.jaendation to mercy” was rendeied. A iist > ■ of exceptioos have been Uken by i the attorneys for the defenae.