Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 116, 18 Mei 1894 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]
Band concert by the p. pUyer? this erening at Xhoma3’ sqnare. The Chinese storekeeper3 in tbe tbeatre lobby hare been donbled in cumber. Mnlcahy’s Visit and The Crnshed Tragedian tomorrow evening at tbe Opera Houae. A moonlight excursion over the Oahu Railway to Remond Grove is expected to tako plaee this evening. Mr. IlHyne, an educated gentleman, bas had opportanity to learn the eanille character of the ’27ser-Dailey people. The service of the Bell Telephone Co. has been bronght to a st mdajd by Saperintendent Cassidy that pleases all patrons. The case against J. M Radway, the embezzling postmaster of Hanalei Kanai has been nol yrr><> d by the p.g. attorney-gene- ! ral. — It is rumored on the streets that several officers of the Ameriean (?) Leagae will be arrested for embezzlement of the society funds. The beauties of the “E;nerald Isle' will be shown in a stereopticou lecture, by Mrs Gans, a Kawaiahao Church, uext Monday ,evening. Mr. D. Howard Hithcock he'd his first regular a(elier reception today. Receptions will be given . to tho puhlie eveiy Friday until futher notico. H. W. Severance. formerly i llawaiian ConsuI, latterly Ameriean Consul, is now, uccording to his own statemout, Secretary ot the I5oard of Education! Mh. L. A. Tuuusto\ will not 1 leave this city until after May 30. His salary wiil be drawu regularly for service at Washington and the t.ix-payers bo d d. The printiug of tlie report of the Einuuee Deparmet, for whieh tendors are cdled, ctn only be uudertakeu bv one office iu town on account of the, unpublished, conditious. The cars pass that comfortable bathing est iblishment, tbe Long Brauch Baths, every fifteen min- : utes on Saturday and Sunduy. Col. Jim Sherwood holds dailv > roceptions. The Board of Forestry should investigate and report en the introductiou of the destmctive beetle. imported here from Japan and whieh is now playing havoc with flowers aud plants. — The rag whieh has fluttered so long in disgraceful appearance ! over the Fishel premises has, at iast. been hauled dowa. That over the Palaee premises still j flutters in the daylight. None of the paj>ers priat the ! deiailed statement. said to have beon made, regarding the exj>enditure of 11,3*22.85 for eamp Boston where the United States s»ilorsand marines housed previous to Col. Blount's advent ‘ Senator“ Canuingham is preparing to receive two popular and well-known adjuncts to loeal pleasures, expected to arrive by tbe Australia. Mr. Fredrick Sbnrgbeir a fuvorite physician and Mr. F. R. Eshoyster a rejuvenator are the luoked ior arri- , vals. * i The baitle for the baseball | ehampionahip, being number thrt i e of the serios, to take p’aee i j tomcrrow afternoon at tbe Recrc*tion Grocnds, will be betweeu 1 • base rnnning spriuters and baseball strikecs from the “Kams” and “Crescents.” Game will be , called promptly at 3:30.
Don't forget Soaci tomorrow afternoon. Battailion drill witboot tbe band, but with an eipensive drum corps, tonight. at Palaee &qaare. £dison’s lond talking phonograph U now on exhibitkm at the parlors next to the merrv-go-roond. 3Iany people were pleased w tb Mr. Hayae's r-i dition of ‘•Conn" last eveniug and with the acting of Mr. Snow, Mr. Conners and especially by that of Mrs. Bates. The ‘ Anstralia’ will bring an additionai supply of that fjmous Bock Beer to the Pantheon tomorrow, ani H»rry will be pleased to meet bis friends. First eome, lirst servod. The vessel reoorted off Waianae last evening by Mr. Holt proved to be U S.S. M;»rion. She eame into harbor this moruing and reporteti being 17 days from Japan. Tiie usuai s;»lutes were hred. Mr T. G. Qninu is the originatorof*:u i uy r.ew ide.tswhich artbeueficial to a thirsty public and whieh he presents in pieasing way His j>reseut plaee of b isiuess is with M ijor Wolters, at tho Pacifie Hotel, and the two nixiologists puli well together. Miss Josie Gassman’s eHorts last evening in the Serpentine dance were nmeh appreciated by tbe large audience present as| attested by the donb!e encore, given. “Josie’’ is a favorite with ; the HoLomūa and the people. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Smith, who have, lately, by the maehiI natious of the god Cnpid and a mutual affinitv, become enrolled among-t the “groat majority” of subjects at the court of Hymen, have kindly reraembered the Holomia in the usual manner. Thanks, and may your never be disturbed oaly by juvenile namesakes. In the petition presented bv the Chinese to the Councils yesterday one of t!ie cla«ses read: e also fully nvpreciate tbe[ fact that until a defioite form nf g *vernraent is established for the Hawaiian Isl mds. it will be ira-* pr icticableforthePresidentofthe Provisional Government to enter into direct diplomatic correspondence with the Imperial Chiaes9 I Govermnent. At 1:30 o’eloek this afternoon an unuecessarv alarm was rung out frora the bell-tower for a supposed fire on Hotel street near Bethel street. Investigation proved that the fire was really ont before the alann was rung and damage to the amonnt of: •51.50 bas resu!tod to the roof of a rookery occupied by S.ng Ling as a restaurant and induced by a carelessly thrown cigarette. Ben Whitney Jr. discovered and : quenched tho blaze whieh cost the tax-payers by the presence of the engines, about 520.00.