Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 116, 18 Mei 1894 — Hawaiian Hardware Company [ARTICLE]
Hawaiian Hardware Company
i The Advertiser who eaiehe? a person> eye asaal!y wics a castomer. Many Jīrferent <tvles 1 of aJvertising have beea ft*lopted aud w;tb inore or less success, by the believers ia the nse of prin*{ ters ink. The m.inaf.»ctarers of Pears Soap. for in>tanoe ■ > c.i> >r. allv buv paintings t!iat have been on exhibition in tbe Pari's Saion anJ have lithcgrapbs maJe from them for the parj>ose of bringing their proJ :ct before the peopie. In aJJition to sacb siJe issues. PearspenJs huu>lreJ> thoasanJs ot JoIlars annua!lv among the newspapcrs auJ mag aziues. Some years ago the \gent> of certain article on sale in New York made a hit in aJvertisiag by having on BroaJway Juring bns- ! iuess hours two fatluessly JresseJ Negroes wearingvery high c*>l!ars on the backs of whieh was printeJ “Use Sniths Pill>.” Tiie iJea was novel anJ the public caught on. Iiising Sun Stove | Polish has been kept before tlie j public for years through persisj tent. anJ sometimos expensive| I aJvertising. Tweuty oJ*l years , ago the manufacturers of iliis ' polish started half a Jozen men acrossthe oruiineut to paint sigus on rocks anJ fenoes. The Aermotor Co., of Chicago havo increaseJ its sales raore than five| j bundred per cent iu two years bv 1 : the use of printers ink. We believe wo have heen instrumenI tal in increasing the siles of tlie Aeraotor by keepingeverlastingh at it in Hawaii. "We Jo not wish to say that aJ-: vertising will sell auy manufac- | tureJ article; there is n> use spending money in aJvertising i "eheap anJ nasty” goods be- ; | cause the people will not be hooJ- 1 ; winkod. If Haviland Ohina was , not the superior article 4 it is, all I our adverti>ing of it wouU iuit i have sold the thousauJs of pieces | thut we havo. We simply eall j the attention of the people to it and its superior qnality is appar- ! ent to the customer Jirectly a I t t ' 1 1 pieee of it is examineJ. ; Printers ink has lie!j>eJ tho sale of tbe James LockeJ Eenee but it wouU not have Joues so if it had been as tiimsv as the or Jinav wire 1 i fence. First; the economy there iis in builJiug it recomraon.l> it to the plantation manngor and then its durability clinches tho the sale If the stays anJ washers cost as mueh as an onlin;ir\ | ( redwooJ post our sales of tlie material wouU not have reacbed | sucb enormous proportions. Our average sa!e of the Pansy Iron Stove is about t\vo a d iv the year rouuJ. If was not the j best iron stove ou the market we wouU not sell that raany m six 1 months. AJvertising is the lip' t> the puhlie the good points in thearticle sells lt just as the gooil qnaiities of tuo Fischer Stee! Range make it a Jesirable article f*>r people who wish to economise ; in the use of fuel. M'e buy only what has proven* gooil after people in the UniteJ * States or Earope have giveu it a trial; we profit by their experince if the articles are goood we buv anJ sell them; if tliey are poor we steer clear of them. When we aJvertise an articie it is to attract attentiua to it; the news- ; * paper is the button we push, the ! salesman Joes tbe rest. Persistent a Jvertising conpled ■ f with tiie article beiug a snperior ' one has sold thoosaiuis o£ the Frank Walcot Emory File. If it haJ been no better than an or-1 Jinary scythe stone we probabl\ wouli not hava so!d tweuty. | Wheu » man finds oat that his : table knires may be kept»h .rp at I 4 all times at an expanse of fiftv cents and a verj" littie elhow grease he is quite wiliiag to trj C the expenment Tlg Haiaiiaa C& U 307 Fort Streel 1