Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 116, 18 Mei 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
{ TH E A^W^^OEO, ? I Anheuser-I3usch Brewino: Co. Wim the !P»rize at the AV’oi*ld , S 3Tair " ith their EAGL J3raiid Beer. -1 St. Lons. Ocr. 28, 1893. MES8R8. MACFARf.AXs <fc Co., L’d.. Honolol.i, H. I. Dear Sirs: —We bave mailed yon a copy of the Globe-Dernocrat the great victory won by the ĀXHEU3EB-BrsH A.-vSOCU-tiox with th°ir “EAGLE Braud of Beer. [Signed] ANHEUSEB-BUSHBEWLSG ASS0CIATI0X. i 4 & m & AIA K % $ £ - p; <3 m in * W * <r <?.Cc *In ordering this Beer besuretoask for the “EAOLE’’ Brand. Macfarlane & Co., Mar. 14- -3112*1. A(f&nts fonr Humiiian J*lantLs. . & POEPIE, Eohimon Bloclc, Holel St ., helween Forf and Nuuami, Have Just Eeceivcd, per Late Arrivals, the Largest Stock of FUK NIIUEE Evcr ImpOrted to this Country, Comprising Ha ndsome Carved Bedroom Sets In Soli<l Oiik, andof the LATESTDESIGNS. ESPECIAL ATTENT10N IS CALLED T0 THESE SETS: ĪCK.ER. WARE3, Beautiful Des’gns of Wicker are, consistin< T of SOFAS, CHAIItS, ROCKERS. etc.,y»u ean get these in anv FIMSH you dcsire. CHAIRS, Countless numbcrs of CHAIRS, in even* stvlo, OFFICE and HIGH CHĀISS. E2ITEITSIOIT TABLES, Wo have bad a number of calls for these rables, with CHAIRS to match. We have now in stook the most BEAUTIFUL DINING ROOM FURNITURE EVER SEEN UEEE. Sideboards and -:- Chiffoniers rrr>ivA]xrs.v3 Divans covere<.l with PORTIERS are bec»ming qnite the rage in jplace of LOUNGES—we manufaotare l.em to order, and have a laige stock of PORTTEKS to selcct from. Gre it Assortment ofWOVEN WIRE MATTRESSES—Spring, Hair, Moss, Wool and Straw Mattresses on h*id and made order' L1VE GEESE FEATHERS and SILK FtJSS for Pillows CRIBS, CRADL£S. etc. M INDOTN SHADES of all colorsand sizes. C0ENICE POLES, in wood or bnss trimmings. x bs 3 <3-. Mattresses, Lounges and all Upholsterei Fornitnre repaired at reasonable rates. CABINET MAKING. in all its bmnehes.>y Compeaent Workmen. MATTTNG LAID and Int<rior Decoratingnrder the Sopervision of Mr. GEORGE ORDWAY. Our Goods «re F:rst CL?ss. and oar pr«es are the lowest Come and be convinced —a trial is soiicited. Be!l 525. telepho.ves; Mniuai 645. OEDWAY & POKIEE, Robiasoa Eloek, laiween Fort and Naoaaa