Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 116, 18 Mei 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

j4ationa! Iron Wop^ Qr£i-\ Snirrr, Between Alakea A Kiehanl St» THE r\; EESIOS'EI) i-e prrp«red to BLtkt ail kxadi A Iron Bns*. Bron_*e, Zicr, Tia in i L**J AIso Geaeni B«p*ir Sfcop !or Stoain Ek« ILi, Corn Vi!li, WWs, \\usd MiIIa. etc. Maehioea for the Cl<r*sir % ol Coffe«, CWtor OiU, B<*r- S Ruuw, Pineapple Leav« A oih«r Fthroa» PUat«, Ao i Pijvr Stock Atao Maehinea for Extrv-t;:: ; ; Si»rch 'mm tho Maaioo, Aw» Root, eto. ty AU Or,iers prr mpil_v ilteai«i ?o. WHITE, RITMAN CO. THE Provisionol Govennneot OFFICIAL LIST OF MEM BERS AND LOCATIOX OF BUREAUS. ExEcmvE Cocxcil. S. B. DoIr, P—<=i->( ;r;e Ppov!«i.in«! ' ~'Terr ment of the Ht* iiian u>l MlnU:er ef_Forets:n AfF»ln, J. A. Kine. Hiai«ter«.f the tntenor ■ 'V. O. Smith. AtLirae> <osner« Advuoht Corx«TL. W. e, Wl5(ler, Vtee Pre»!«tent of ;he Provl«ton«: <«ovemment of the tl«w«iUn UUi. l', C. Bo!fe. Ceell Kn.wn, John Xott, John Ena, Jsmes F. Morean Kd. S <br. J«». P. Memlonea. Chas. T. Ooaneila. Johu Kmme!uth. K. D. Tenn«v. W. F Allen. Uenr> W«terh.>u«. A. Yonna. F. M. Ha'.eh, Secretary Ex. a d A«lv Stpremk Cocbt. Hon. A. K. Judd. Chief Iust!ee. Hon. R. K. Bi«-kerton. Ftr-! A«s.iciaf«' Jus!ice. Hoti. W. F. Kre»r. īeeoaii Aneoeiale Justice. Henrv Smlth. Chlef l :«-rk. (’reo. Luo>>. f>eputy Clerk. C. F. Peterson.Sec «nil Deputy C«erk. J. W«lter Jone*. rtenographer. ClECCiT JCDGKS. Ftnt Cīrcuit: Oahu S»c-ind <’ireu‘.t (Maui) A. N. Kepotk«l. Thitdaud FourthCireuita: (HawaU).*i. L.Au«ttu Flfth Circuit; (Kaual) J. Hardy. Ol71ci*s «nd Conrt-room tn Court Hou«e. Kluif street. SitUin( tn Honolulu -The Br*t Mouday in February, Mav, Aujju$t «nd November. DEPARTMKNTOr KOKEUIN ArT*IR5. OHiee In Cepitot KuIMIue. Kln* »treef. HU Exce!!ency e ifor«i B. iKne. *iiul«ter of Fotelgu Affairs. Geo. C. Potter. ‘terretery. W. Hor*ce Wri(5h:, Uoiie! H*rt, Clerk». DKP*RT*ENTOr IXTKR10Roaee in Executive Bul.'lln?, Klag street. Hls Eiec!!ency J. A. KIur, Mlnlster ol Iaterlor. ChJef Clerk, Johu A, Hass iiifer. As,«i«ta.it Clerk« Jame$ H. Boyd, M. K. Keohokaiole. Stephen Mahauiu, Oeorge C. Ro«» £dward 1 Boyd. Bcrx*c or Aoiueelti*«k *ni> Forestrt. Prcs!deut; Hl* Exee;!ency the Mlnl«ter of Interlor. Wm. '» lrwin, A!lan Herbert. John Eui. Jo$eph Marsdeu. Co:ami«*iouer aud Secres«o'Chikfs or Bcbkac«. Istkkjos !>kp*ktvik.'*t SnrTeyor-GeneraI. W. D. AIex*nder. Supt. Publ e Worits, W. E. Roae!i. Si«pt. Watcr Worka, Audrew Brown. Inspeetor. E!ectrlc UiftitJ, John C'sssldy. Reiri$trar ol Cjiivevauces, T. <L Tnrum. Roa«l Supervi$or. H moluui. W. 11 Cuicml ij« Chief Ei.jrlne« r Fire Dept., Ja«. H. Hunt. Supt. Insane A.«ylum, Dr. A. McWayue. Dep*etmknt or Fin*nck. OS5ce, Executive Bui!din*. K;ng »!reet, 36lni->ter of Fln«nce. Hu Excellency >- M. Damon. Auditor-Geueml, Geonre J. Ko«$. Regi»traro( AeeeunU, W. c«. A»n!ey. Clerk of Flnanee c»fflee, E. A. Mclneruy. Collector-<ieneral u( Cu*Som, Jaa. B. Caatl«. Tax A$$jrssor. <Jahu. Jona. Sd«w. Deputy Tax .C*»e»«or. W. C. Weedon. Pu*:master-c>eueral, J. Mort Oat, ee.wo** Br«xac*. Offlee. Custom Hou$e. Esp!an«de. Port streeL Coi!ector-Gencr»!. Jas. B. c«<tle. Dep'ity-Co..ec!/)r F. B. M<v:.?cKer. Harborma»Ser, C*pfalu A. Kulier. Port surveyor. M. S S*;. ler». Storefce«per. (jeorxe C. Str*:emeycr. |DKr*RT*KNT OK ATTOR.WKT GKXK*$IOOeeln Execu:tre HuIMIie. Kla* i!:j*tAttomcy Ger,er*!. W. r>. Wra!:n Deputy AIU)rney.Creu«r«I, 0. K. Wi!.ler. •1crE. J. M. Kea. Mar« oii. E. O. lli'.eheoek. Cltfk to Mar«hai, U. M. I>ow. I*epu'.y Manhai. Artbur M. Browa. Jai.or Oahu Prl$oi>. J. A. Low. PHaoa Phystcue, Dt. C. B. C«joper, B"i«n or iKKiounoa (hrjtl*Dl. 11« Exce!!cacT A. Kin*. Mcmher ot the Il>si4 «I ImawMiiM: Moe. J. B. Atheru>n. J««- H eaalle. Hon. A. 3. « !e<h ra, Juus G. dpeaeer, M«rk P. UkM. 8ecretary. *r»j T»yk>r. Bo*i« :r Hul'h. Offlee tn froood» ol Court Bne Balidlnf, eomer A MiiiLa.il aud tfae$a K.ieli. Memhen* Dr. D«t, £>*.Miaer. Dr. Acd.-ews, J. T. W«teThou«r Jr.. Jobn Ena. Tbeo. V. I$a$lnt •nj At:omey <>eiier«l »mua. Pre«tdent—Hoa. W. o aralttt, 3ecret«rr— Ouhl W:leo*. Ex«.*cuUt« Offlcer—C. B- Rcvrv>;,l«. Iiupeeuw «nd W«B«fvr ot 'jarh«fe swr rte» -U L La Plcjre. Ia$fwctor—<J. W. C. Iwm. Port Physlcla:*.. Dr. »J. B. Aalrew«. In$peu.4ary, Dr. M. W. Uow«rd. Leper secta;in«dt, Dr- K. K. ouv«r. Bo«ks <w Encc*TK)!». Cocrt tl.xi.je BolL'ftaf, K'.u< «treeL p!WMci5, lon. C R. BUhnj secTv4ary. X. J j:ne« sontttt. ln4pector o( 8ehooU, A. T. Alkluaoo. Di$tbict Coc*t. Poitee 9t«’Jou Bmldlng, Men-haa: «tr«bt * j. M. Rotort$oa. liftitnia Jit— 1. īhompioa, CWrk