Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 116, 18 May 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
WM. DAVIES, Iti£r"er, Stevedoix> axd Wrecker. EaTIMATES AVD COXTBACTS OX ALL KIXl>s O? WOEK. The Schoooner MAHIMAHI. wil! ran regalariy l»tween this port and W aialaa, KawaiLL&'pai, Moknieia, Keaaenei «nd Kaiki on the islalid of Ouhn. For Freiglit, etc , a( ply to the Captiin. Inquire at Office of J. S. V\’alker, over S|)reckels’ Bank, or Wright Bros Fort Street. dec I6-tf Long Brancli BAT HING Establishment. This First-class Batlnng Resort faas been enlar:»ed aud is now open to the puhlie. It is the best plaee on tho islands to enjoy a bath aud there is no better plaee to lay otf. Special aeeommodations for Ladies. Tramcars pass the door every half hourand ou Saturdays ani Suudays overy fifteen miuutes. e. J. SHERWOOD Proprietor. il Hotel street (Arlington Block.) The above Store has reoeived another Splendid Iuvoice of ,Japanese 1L K, AN C Y jZrOODS, Per S. S. “China. —OOMl-alSINO—-BEAUT1FUL SILK DAN CRAPE, I>ress Goods in all shide, plain and tigured. Cu8hions, Table Covtrs, Bed Covers, Gowns, Chemises, Shawls. Silk frape Hainliow Silks, All Colors Fancy Draperies, EMBEOIDEEEi) HANDKERCH1EFS, Doillies, Scarfs, Sash"s. 'Jackets, Cajw, Etc., Etc. NOVELTIES: The Pritvs of thesc G xk)s will astoui<h you iuel admg EL£GANT SiLK KIM0N08I llandsome Cigar >ttc Cases, Pin Cushions, Silk Tea Cosaies, L1RGE 1M» S5ULL JiriSESE KltiS Silk rmbreUas, ligbt bat strong; Chair S*ddles, S;lx; Bamboo Bliniis, itied with pnUeys; Siik Lamp Shadts. aew style. JAPANESE SCKEEXS, From $3 Vp. LiKAiE JAPiSE$C l'«BRELLlS Can be Set with Pole In the ground, nioe for Picmcs or Lunehee out of loors, they ean be opened oat or used as a tent. COTTON CRAPES IX GREAT VARIETY t3TlnspecUon Bes;xetfnliy Inrited. MRS. J. P. P. COLLACO, Proprietress. Aprl2-oma W. S. LUCE Wine aiid Smrit Merehant CampUU Fire~proo/ Block, M£RCHANTST.. HONOLULU.