Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 116, 18 Mei 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

E, 8( Bf^o IiIPOKTERS AND DEALERS IN Groceries, 3Provisions A5D IFeed, EAST.CORSER FORT A KlNG.STS. New 6oods Rec'd Bv everv Packet frorn the Eastera States and Karope. Fresh Californi* Prolnce bv every steamer. AU orders £aithfcllv attendeil t->. and Oo>h1s delhrered t*i an? part of the city FREE 0F CHAI*GElslanJ OrJers Solicite.l. ’ Sat sfaction Guaranteed. Post Office Boi N>. 14.5. Telephone N». 9*2.

TEXTH ; Annual Meeting 0F THK i hvvvt vmv:s Jockev ('lul). ‘| JUNE 11. 1894. 5 — j j 10fiicial Proirramine r ltuces to Commencc i at 10 a. m. Sharp. i > lsr—BICYCLE RACE. Prize SIiver • Meilal; I mile i daāh. Free for all. | 2—HAWAII PLATE $ Running Race; ) mile dash. Free for all. 3 — HONOLULU PLATE I Trotting and Pacing. tiiariiess; 1.40 class. Free for all. Mile heats; best 2 io 3. | 4— OCEANIC S.S CO S CUP. I ADDED. Running Race; I miie disb. For Hawaiian bicd. 5— PRESIDENT WIEM ANN S CUP, * . ADDED. Running Race; 14 inile dish Free for ali. o—KAPIOLANI PAUK PLATE* Trotting and Paeinp; 2:40 class. Free for a!l. Mile neat; best 2 m 3. Pacers to go to road cart. 7—KALAKAUA PLATE I Trotting Race; I mile dish For Hawaiian bred. S —KAUAlPL\TE * Running Race; H mile d\sh. For Hawaiian bred. 0—JOCKEY CLUB PLATE * Trottingnnd Pacing,to harne<iFree for ali. Mile heats; best 3 in 5. 10 — R0SlT.A CHALLENCE CUP. 4 ADDED. Running R\ce: 1 ra;le dish. Freefor all. Winner to best record of Ang:e A, 1:454. 11— KAMEHAMEHA PLATE *- Trolting and P.\cing. to harneās. For Hawaiian bred; mile heats; be;t 2 in 3. 1 i 12 — PON Y R.\CE I Running R.ice j mile dash. For Hawaiian bred Ponie.s; I I haadsand under;catch we ght. . "113—MAUI PLAIE * » j Trottingand Pacing, , 3 minule class. ForHawtiian bred. Mile heals: best 2 in 3, li r ■ a [ entries are to |be raad“ with the Secretary, at tbe offi te e ’ e C. O. Berger. on Merchant S ree{, a before 2 p * Wedne« l«r, Juae *»th 1894. at»hich liraethey will( l.*se. Enlrv fee« to be 10 per cent, ol th . l> irse, un’ee.» otberwbe specifi d. T - r»crs are to h-? run cr tn>«ed under the rul*:s of lbe Jockey Club. AU honea aro cxp.*ctei