Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 116, 18 May 1894 — The Third Game. [ARTICLE]
The Third Game.
Tne th rd game of basebail in the eha pionship series will take plaee tomorrow afternoon and sbon!d bo well [>atronized. Game will be called at 3:30. The nrapires will be the two favorites Morris Keohokalole aud Clarence Crabbe. Tbe positions of players will be as foll*>ws: Kameh*mehas. Positions Cr*scents. R. Pihaa e R. Bakcr Alehenk p G. \Vood I Lindsay lst b*se W. Luoas j Mahnka Cndbase P. Lishman H. Wise 3rd base D. Ross Renvsky short stop W. Wilder Koki r. f Angns C. Kaanoi e. f J. C»rter C. Bridges 1. f MeNieholl