Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 115, 17 Mei 1894 — The 11th of June. [ARTICLE]
The 11th of June.
Tbe entries fur tbo races advertised to take j>laee on tbe “Hawaiian’’ day are coming in, very slowly. We apj>eal to tbo Horners, Ballentine, Spanlding, MoLaue aud otber borsemen who bave beretofore patronized tbe best meetiug in tbe islands. lf tbe programme doesn't suit, tbe gentlemen baving horses shonld notify (tbo Secretary or througb tbe Press,) the pnblic of tbeir objections, and tbey will find that auy reasonable change will be made tbat ean ensure a suocessful day. At tbe sama time we wouid suggest to tbe Club to publish tbe amonuts of tbe purses witbout delay. Tbe “boys” may eome around if they know what they are racing for.