Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 115, 17 Mei 1894 — The Councils Meet. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

The Councils Meet.

Tbe regular meeting of the CounciIs this afternōon was extremely tame and nninteresting The different committees exj>ected to rejK»rt imitated the p g- *nd askt-d for “farther time.” Mmister Damon vindicateil Limself an J his department. and responded to the challenge of the H.OL"MrA, by explaining the exP©nditnre of >1 322 for Camp B stou, f tbe p g had a few n>ore officials like Mr. Damou, tbere wonld be uo division among onr citizens and tbe go!den era would be here. lt is unfortunate that men of tbe Judd stripe prevail. Tbe Councils »djonrned iill next rhnrsday.