Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 115, 17 Mei 1894 — Untitled [ARTICLE]
“Thp Holomi'a is making a fuss .ibout Mr. Glaile’s appoiulmeut as Hawaiian Cbarge d’Af fairs, ou tbe grouml that he is not a awaiian. Mr. Glade took tlie oatli of allegiauce before be left ” — Advertiser. Tbe Advertiser’s veracity is on lv exceeded bv tbe beautv of its | * * jed tor —a beauty tbat prevented I hi.n froin putting bis pboto iu bis own colurans. Tbe Holomi'a |bas ue\er said one word about Mr. Glade not being a Hawaiian citizen. If tbe Advertiser man i will wake up and read what we did say about Mr. Glade’s highly impro{>er apppointmeut he will t robably realize tbat he, as nsnal. is “way otl~' tbe mark—i and the trnth. That the German- i i Austrian Consul, altbongh his resignation from sucb othces has uot been accepted will foreswear , his aliegiance to his father land for the purpose of gaiuing the 1 right to wear the taro-leaf uni1 U form does not surprise anybody who kuows the caliber of Mr. Gl«de. It was aiways as impos|siblo for hira to be a true Ger- ■ ! man as it is for the Tiser to tell j the truth. __