Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 115, 17 May 1894 — He Ought to Know. [ARTICLE]

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He Ought to Know.

Miuister Willis onght to be furoisbed with u complete list of tbe Araeric«ns who were indaced to t:ike the p. g. oath, whieh severed their allegiance to the United States. Sach list should be seut to t!ie ditferent States so when the ex-Ainericftiis arrive at their places of birth the inspectors of elections em tnrn them ! away and say” Go lu f nce you renegade; neither Americin nor Hawaiian. Noither fowl nor fish. You can’t plump a vote here nor pull onr legs. Your uame is Mud (or Judd).” At the same time His Excellency might investigate why Hawaii }>aid $13’2'2.8Ō fov ice-chests etc. for Americ;;n trooj>s. AVith us he will not believe that theexpenses nf C»n.p Boston was paid by Minister Damou, becanse tlie bonse of Camp Bostou is the property of Mr. S. D:imou'