Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 115, 17 Mei 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]
33usiness Cards II. LOSE, 2STotary l*ublic. r CoVe<*tor aiul Getural Btuf'ness Ageni. Pateu(ee of Lose’s Chemical Compoi'xd Uyr Clarifyi*j Cane Jnice. l\Suh-Agent for several of the Best FIRE L\SURAXCE COS . Mntual 'ielephone >. P. O. Box .”135. i Merchant street. Honnlnln. City?slV1ea! Market Oppo. Queen Emma Hall, Establislied 1883. J0S. TINKER, \fAmx I BUIc H E Maker of the Celehratcd Cambridge Pork Sausaje ! Tby Them. Meat Delivered to Any Part of the City anel Suburbs. Muhial Telephone Xumber 289. CEMEWT $lDEW^Li$ AXD ' doi 1 Inng Laid. I Estimatcs given on ail kinJs of $tone, doqcrst0 Co.VCRETE A SrECI.VLTY. JNO. F. EOWLEK. janl7 3m C.T. AKAXA lailop 1 324 Nuuanu Street A.11 Suits Guaranteed To Fit and in the Latest Style. Clothes Cleanecl and Repaired. nol7, | GHAS. GIRDLER, lmpoiter and Commission Merchant SPEClALTIi25: J. P. Co»U' Maehine Thread Jonis Brooks Maehine Threa i Barboar’s Liaea Thre*d Pears’ Soap P. O. Box 35S. MataiIJTelephcne 13 Kuimmana Streel. LEWIS i C0.. Aholesale and Retail {Gro A.\D PBOYISION DEALEB5. FE£SR CALiF0R v U 8ALM0N (S KZ Br Erery 8*a Fnunriseo S»«u»Hr. | SALT SaLMO\ LS‘ Ba3EEL3 A SpEC IALTi . III Fori Sl-, Hok&IuIu- Tel. 240, . P. o. Box 297.