Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 115, 17 Mei 1894 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]
TLe BoarJ of HeaUh did not meet yesterday afternoon. The Councils held the regnlar meeting this afternoon. Wmd light, northeast, to-day. M eather warm. The 'Tiser is becoming more and more profane. Don't forget the baseball match next Saturday afternoon. Miss Puris is not home, in anv ‘*boarding honse” in Kailna. “Shanghraun” at the Opera Honse to-night. The band concert by the p. g. players, at Thomas’ Square last eveniug, had a small audience. 1he elect on of officers in the American (?) League promises to be a “hot” eveut. There is an iuvoice of tourists , expected by tue incoming Australia. Dan Lyons dancing classes are receiving deserved patrouage. ihe tuition chargos are very low. , Judge Widemann is paying a visit to the Makaweli p!antation on Kauai. The Stranger's Frieud Society meet this eveniug at the residence of Mrs. Hobron, Nuuanu aveuue. The blight whieh wassupposed to have beeu eradicated, is again appearing over orange aud other trees in towu. — Photographer Bolster, of the Aloha gallery, has beeu takiug : inside views of many of the busi ness houses. The rag that llutters from the dag-pole over the Lxecutive building is hoisted aud lowered daily with great ceremouy. — Josie Gassman will delineate‘ | the mazes of the “Serpeutine’ 1 dance this evening at the Opera House. The *p. g. people intend to eall a mass meeting uext week. The | us»al Portuguese contingont will: be present with a band. Au illustrated leeiui'e, on Ireland, will be given by Mrs. M. L. Gaus, at Kawaiahao Chnrch, on uext Monday eveniug. The Captain aud officers of the Japanese man-of -war Takachiho intend giving a reception to their friends on the eveuing of the 2'2nd. iust. Mr. J. Walter 13rowu, who has received mueh atteution from : officials of the present governraent during his stay here, sailed for Sau Fraucisco, by the S. N. Castlo, this morniug. The fuueral of the infant daoghter of Mr. aud Mrs. Carl Mett took placefr>mtue faraily residence yesterday afternoon. There were mauy beautiful floral tokens of sympathy. The barkeutine S. N. Castle sailed this moruing for San Francisco, cair\ing f.>rward a large sugar cargo and a passenger list of condensed sweetness. Captain Hubbard hopes to arrive out in | thiity days. D. Howard Hitchcock intends; to aid amatuer artists aud begin-: | ners iu drawing, with practical ! bints gaiced from experience I and study. He is now engaged |in perfecting arrangemonts for j openiug a scbooI of instruotion in drawing and painting* ! — tt. The beetle whieh is proving so destructive to plants and fiowei> {is reported to have been intrc - duced bere by meaus of planl importaiions from Japan. There is no known enemy to tbis plantdestroyer in the conntry at pres 1 ent