Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 115, 17 May 1894 — Hawaiian Hardware Company [ARTICLE]
Hawaiian Hardware Company
The Advertiser who catches ! a persons eye usually wins a 'cnstomer. Many different styles of advertising bave been a lopted aud witb more or less success, by tbe believers in tbe use of printers ink. The mann(acturers of Pears Soap. for instance, occasion allv bnv paintings tbat have been on exhibition in tbe Paris Salon and have lithograpbs made from tbem for the purpose of bringing tbeir product before the {M?ople. In additiou to sucn side issues. Pear spends bundredthonsau.ls of doll irs annuahy among tbe nowspapers aud magaziues. Someyears ago tbe Ageuts of certain article on sale in New York made a bit in advertising b\ baviug ou Broadway duriug business bours two fatluessly Jressed Negroes wearing vory bigb collars, on tbe backs of whieh was printed “Use Smiths PUls.” The iJea was novel and the public cau tT ht oo. Rising Sun Stove Polish bas been kept before the pnblic for years through pei-sis-tent, aud somotimes expeusive advortising. Tweuty odd years ago tbe manufacturers of tbis polisb started half a dozen meu acrosstbe orniment to paint signs ou rooks and fences. Tbo Aormotor Co., of Cbicago have iucreased its sales moro tban tive bundred per cent iu two years by I the use of printers ink. M*e believe we bavo been instrumeni tal in increasing the sdes of the Aemotor by keei>iug everlastingly at it in Hawaii. AVo do not wish to say tbat advertising will sell any manufac1 tured article; tbore is uo use spendiug money in advertising •‘eheap and nasty” goods becanse the people will not be hood1 winked. If Haviland Ohinu was 1 not the snperior artiole ,it is, all 1 our advertising of it woukl not 1 bave sold tbe tbousands of pieces j that we bave. AVe simply eall I tbe attention of the people to it ‘ and its superior quality is appar- ! ent to tbe customer directly a pieee of it is exarained. Printers ink basbelped tbe sale of tbe James LockeJ Peneo but it would not bave dones so if it had been as riimsy as tbe or dinav wire ; fence. First; the economy there ■is iu building it recommeuds it to the p!antation manager and then its durability clinches tbe tbe sale lf tbe stays and wasbers cost as mueh as an ordinar\ redwood post our sales of tbe ; material wouU not have reacbed sucb enormous propoitions. Our average sale of tbo Pansy I Iron Stove is about two a day the year round. if was not tbo best iron stove on tbe market we wouU not sell tbat mauv in six I montbs. Advertising is the tip tbe pubiic tbe good points in i thearticle sells it jnst as tbe gootl |qualities of the Fischer Stee! Range mnke it a desirable article | for people who wish toeconomise in the uae of fuel. AA e buy only wbat has proveu ■ | good ufter people in the United 8tates or Earope bave given it a , trial; we profit by their experince I if tbe articles are goood we buv and sell tbem; i£ tbey are poor i steer clear of tbem. When we advertise an article it is to attract atteution to it; tbo newsj paj>er is tbe button we push. tbe | salesman does the rest. Persistent advertising conpled with the article being a suj>erior 1 one has sold thoflsands of the Frank alcot Emory Filo. If it bad been no better *than an orscyth« stoae wo probabiy ! not have sold twentv. W heu a maa fiuds out tbat bis I t *J >le . kaives ma y kept sburp at ah times at an expense of fif C y ; cents and a verj- litkie elbow gre*se be is quite wilii D g to try I tbe experiment. ī&8 HafaiiaiiiHarilware Co fort