Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 114, 16 May 1894 — In the Right Direction. [ARTICLE]

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In the Right Direction.

lt is uiider~t<x><i tbat the speeiai Committee on tbe Mibt\ry ; uppropnation has decided to re<luce expenses in tbat «iep,irtment. B« ginning at the rigbt end the c«a»mittee tecommends tfce »bj olisbment of the officer of CoIonel«l.or if necessariiy continnedtbat tbe office receives £50 per month ir.stead of £250. as now is the • «>c- It is »1- >rp. rt J :hut t«e | •<»mmittee reooinmen«ls tbat tbe f 'r-'«-‘s he redeced to one eom- | pnny wilh oue cuj.tuiu &n.i other \ nec< siiry vHic«-rs lf the eommi- | tee rejx>rt~ urt- adopted the eonui try will save neur!v £'>.0.'' u «■<*;<r. As the Arii-ric.»ii M .i..--t*r • - w»s g*aurantee<l to keep the peuee lin the commnnity it i.s reuliy absard to eouiinne the immense ex- | j>ense now demunded l.\ the mili1 tary. Tiie redact:uns now pro- ■ |K»sed ure u step in the right «lirection and j»s f»r »»s our timi»l citizeas ureconcerned we wi 1 i f.>r their benefit reiterut«) oar often j»ublished stutement tbat the 1I<>yalists huve no intention to nse violence or force m guining their point und tbat tbe peaee of tho community will uever be broken by them.