Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 114, 16 Mei 1894 — Hard Lines. [ARTICLE]
Hard Lines.
From tbe verv be<t aathoritv " n* iea:n that tbe Eiecutive jOoan.il beld a meeting ye<terday j j for tbe iorpose of <li-ica.ssir.g tbe ■ Japane:-e qaesti »n. Sacb a s:ep | woal<I » f eoorse be ven* »pproj priate «nd uub<xly woald for a ; monient object to it. but we are | told th »t tbe rainistry did not : a»eet a oue, but sent for several; |Jrl e olitic;t! b ~<es, .la.lpe , .<n i < tbei i _ - j are »«nit to bave l«. en tbere »nd ; * ii:y> Cb»irman McStocker «bo is si«i’j ostd to run the Anuexation } Club. r .': e Ainenean Leagao aud :iie Advisory Council were uot ir« preseated. Tbe object of tbe ; e inftre iee was to tell tbe t» be i- i**gat< > tbut Huwaii b;»> got to w. v to tiie demands of tbe |.Jupanese goverumeut uud tbel i ats;u ;i> were eucouraged to | go out e-u tbe higii ways uiui tbe : by-stro ts ; ud tell tueir foliowers not to f ester tbe g <vernmeut witbi more resolntions or petitious :igtiust t;ie Asbtic vote i»s circuaistances are so tbat hey bave got to beur it, uml grin witb , Soapy Sum. , Ihe HoLOXfA has .»11 been in fuvor of graut- ! mg to tbe Jupanese tbe rigbts whieh belong to tbem througb the tr» uty-stipalations uml we h«ve Leeu suionsed over the j opposition to a most judst | demauc whieh we all kuow had to be scceded to. Eut we do kiek w* en we see tbe goverument| plucing itself in such au abject j jios.tio;i as it lias done by calling in to «ts cuuucils the polilieal bosses of polilieal cliqaes. If the government is so weak thut it 1 1 ;• sto consider the opiuion or accept the help of its petty employee; in tho Custom House or elsewbere, it is abont time tbat it ubdic..ied unJ mude room for a covernment witb sufficieut back bone aud enough manbood to do wli.it is rigl»t. becuuse it is and not be eusily le<i by tbe nose by i» lot of sandlotters aml blutberskites who don’t araount to u fig .n the eyes of tlie commanity. The d<*libenite suub to t!ie Advisory Coancil bv consulting the electe»l deleg »tes to tlie conven- \ tion is \vorthy of notice. It shows the Co mcillors that (heir vote is considored solid with the execative und thut all that is uew needed is to couciliate the new membnrs and thereby makiug a| show of barmony in tbe convention. The Jupanese wII vote. and, throngh the powerfn! in llueiiee of the bosses, the club, tlie leigue, the verein and the othcr p »lit cal organizatioi;s wiil aiako a ch;»nge o£ front aml upphiul tiie granting of the frauch se to all and every J.»p amseia the cōantiy. And we «*xpect to see deputitions both frora tlie leagae aml the club and from the Councils at the quar«ntiue station upon the arrival of the Miike Muru with 1000 more “voters” h »iling them as friends and brotbers —and askiug £or tlioir JWte. In tbo meani.me we eall the ;<tt *ntiou of tlie government to tho fuc*t thut the Ciiiuese are uoi as!eep and th it they will be heard from in a verv emphatic mr.uner. lt will be well to lc.*»ll Robertson, McStocker and company iuto consu!t ution over that m »tter.