Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 114, 16 Mei 1894 — $1322.85. [ARTICLE]
W’e always t "ht that Mi :is ter I).tHiOn w..s not alone an hon»st man. hut alw«ys re.-»dy t<> au :it c< :int t * thc taxpa\< rs f thc transactious of his dep irt;nent. W’e have closely scan icd ♦i e oliieial organs for tbe ast two days, hut y»-t we sce no e\plan»tion of the exp»*iiditf:re . f $13‘2*2 s ā, whieh appear-d ii. the la>t financial statement «s “expens»*s C<mp Boston.” vobo»ly in this conntrv ean um crstand why the Hawaiian gov< rumcnt sbonld nay for expeists iucurre»i hy tl.e l’nited St; tcs governraent. Au<l Miuister Dat3on seera.s to follow in t!»e footsteps of FrankJndd refusing to e\p’ain anvthing. it is to he hopetl that sorae hone.st and inelepen er.t Counci!lor toniorrnw will dexu in.l an explanatīon. If not we <*el ob!iged for tiie s ike of the taxpaycrs to tel! them what we know nhoul tlie mattcr. The lionlon troops who were landed here, aocor ling toSte- ns at tlie request of the Amer ean citizens, bad, accorcling lo the same source, nothiug to do with the p. g. Nevertheless the repairs necess»ary on C. R. Bishof«’.s olel house hore the troops, wcre lodged were paid by the everohliging p. g It is stated :hat the hill for tliese rep.»irs was sent to old Stevens and tiiat this astuto diplomat answered, ‘let <he p. g. pay it. It was for their benefit. we landed tbe troops and I will he <1 if I charge th<j l’. S. with the expenses of keej)iiig thcm licre.” And conseqnently Mr. Samiu*l D«mon paiil the pi|>cr while Stevens and the troops did the dancing on the ruins of Hawaii. lf our explanatiou is incorrect. Mr. Damon had hettcr give anotber.