Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 114, 16 May 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
T H E AyW^\RDED, A nheuser- Buscl i TBrewing‘ Co. wūk tho lPi*ize at AVorld’s l'air with thtir 3hAG L 1 j 13rand l^eei’. .. __ Sx. Louia. Ocr. 28.1893. Messbs. Macpatlaxe Jfc Co., L’d , Honolnlo. H. I. Dear Sirs: —e have mailed voo a copv of the Glohe-Democrxxt annoancmg the great victorv won bv the Axhexseu-Bcsh Vss<xutio.v with their “EAGLE” Braad of Bec.. [Signed] ANHEUSEE-BCSH BEWING ASSOCIATION. A R & 5$ h TRA£» MAo K, XzJ_^ 9? SS - 9$ * I V "i & * % V 3i 5h:V Un 73S ES£i — . — . In orderiug this Boer besuretoask for the “EAOLE” Braud. MacfaiTane Co., Ayents far llawaiian īsfands. M:»r. 14 2rad. AT THE CLUB STABLES. “ CREOLE,” 21,702. Race Record: Fourth Heat 2:15. Made at Stockton, Cal. Sept. 23, 1893. , ,re | lV»iapter, 2,305, l>y Plre Pall 75: Dam, Grace, bv Buccaueer. 2.656. Prompter is»l.s.> th- MTt of A,VL. fransit, 2:261; Walker. 2-53i : Wales • Chi-o •>••»4. ;i “ i . W* M7 • , 2:23. “Ureolb" ia jet būck, oue hiid white f.K.t «ud smail s tnpe in face. Weight. 1.000 poauds; is ven- stvUsh. pemie, a an.l a g»me r»oe howe. Will eUnd for a limiu l nnm«vr of mares at ( Hhl\ (*.*)} DOL.fAK.SFOK fUE SKASUX, payal.le at time of servxoe. Thi, horse | »as ored m liK to forty-»u mares aud produced forty-two ooits. feb 17-lm 13 II DAV1S. OKI.WAV k PORTEB, nohiu&H Block, JIotel St., betwecn Fort aml Nuuanu, Have Just B€ceiv«d,icr Ie(e Airivals, tl e I«rpest Sfcck of FUE i N1TUKE Ever lmported to tnis Country. Comprising Ha ndsome Carved Bedroom Sets Ir> Oak. andof ihe LA TESTDESIGNS, ESPECIAL ATTENT10N IS CALLED T0 THESE SETSWICKER WARE, Be,iut ful Des gns <»i 4\ tcker "\Vare, oonsistiug of S0I AS, CHAIBS, K0CKERS, etc., vou eaa get theso in snv EINI8H voa desire. CHAIRS, Conntless numbers of CHA1RS, iu everv stvle, including OFFICE aad KIOH CHAIRS. SHTElTSIOIT TAEI.ES, We bave had a nutnber of calls for these T&bles, with CHAIRS t> 1 matcb. We have now in stock the most BEflUTIFUL DIN)NG ROOM FURNITURE EVER SEEN HEKE. « Sideboards and CIiiffoniers » DIVA 1\T S D.vans covered with POKTIERS are beeoming quite the rage in *dace of LOUNGES—wo mannfaetnre them to order, and have a aige stoek of POKTIEHS to selrct from. bz:ddiitg-. Gre it Assortment ofWOVEN WIHE MATTR£SS£S—Spring, Hair, Moss. "U <>ol and Straw Maitresses on band and made to order L1VE GEESE FEATHERS and SILK FLOSS for Pil CRIBS. CKADLES, etc. \ WINDOW SHADES of ali color- and si» s. CORMCE POLES. in wood or briss-trimmings. IE5 ZB I E3 I 2ST 3-. Mattresses, Lounges and all Upholstered ForDUure repaired at - reasonabie r«tes. * CABINET MAKINQ, in all its branches, by Compeaent Workmen. MATTIKG LAID ar.d I«t.-xior Decur.iting under the Snperviaion of Mr OEOliOE ORDWAV i g Oar Goixls are F:n»t Cl.iss. and ocr prices are t«e lowest Come j and be c>iuvineed—a trial is vdic;ted. Bell 525, telephoxe3: Mutuai 64o. OED WAl & POKIEK, Robindon £iock, betweeu Furt and N uuanu i'