Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 114, 16 Mei 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
HA.WA.ii HOLOMU^, IS rrBLISHED Kvery .AUiemoon F.XCEIT SCXDAT BI THE Holomua PubUgMng Co. At King St. (Thoaoas block), līonolalo, H. I. rsr w* W-w. TIip |>a t leIiv<T» l hy Curriera in the Iu*d *nd Nbnbi. Rmaiti OanH (.>r s*l* »» thr New- De»lrrs aud *t the Of5oe of pablication. EDUU\D ,\'ORRlt. - - Editor GtORGE E. SVITHIE S - Manager XOTICE. AIl Bntii. *t Comnr,;!'lcation» thonld be *■; ire---1 tj (iHorj;e E Sui!tLiet lionoInlu, H. I. r. .rretponfience »nd Cotnninni<‘atinns lor pnblicHtion t>hon!d l»e »iblresned to the G<litor lUwnu Holomna. No n.‘tiee will be pmd to auy auonyiuous oouiuinnicatiou.s. Husinoss (\ards A. P. P£TERSON, ATTOBNEY AT LAW OIEoe; 113 Kaahniue.na S*reet, Honolnln IU%aiiau Islauds. CHARLES CREIGHTON, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Offioe; 113 Kaahuniann Street, Honoluln Hnwaiiau lslands. PAUL NEUMANN ATTORNEY AT LAW. 314 Merchaiit Street, Honolulu, Mulual TeIephone 415. CLAKENCE W. ASHFORD, ATTOKNET AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. (.'(E.-e. OId Caj>itol Bnilding. (Honolnln Uale), adjoiuiug I’ost Offioc, Honoluln. JOHN LOTA KAULUKOU, ATTORNEV AT LAW, Oftieo. corner King A Betliel Sts. LEWI8 J. LEVEY, Heal Estate and (ieneinl Auctioneer. Coruer Fort an \ Qn*cu Streets, Honoluln Personal attention piven to Sales of Furnitore, Renl Estate, Stook anJ Goneral Merchandise. Mnlnal ‘23S A. ROSA, ATTOKNEY AT LAW, No. 15 Kaahmuanu St., Honolulu, Hawaiian Islamis. H. E. McINTYKE A BRO., Gbocebt. Fked Stoke & Bakery, Corner of Kiug an»i Fort Sts., Honolulu THO.MAS L1NDSAY Mannfadttring Je\c*Ur an-i U'o/eA mairr, MrĪDwny Blook, 4<V> Fort» Sir. Honaluia s _________ Jb\ GERTZ. HAS KE OPKNED HIS Boot and Slioe Store, Opj»*sit(? tDe Clob Stable on FortStre«t. *nd will be glad to soe his old fnends. may7-tl.