Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 114, 16 May 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]
flationaI li'on Woi^ Stkeft, BeUret?n Alakoa A Kiehani Sts, THF. CX.>EBSIt;XKD **e prei«r»d to tc«ke nil kmds ot Irun Brvvi, Br.'nrc. Xinc. Th» *ad Leaol C«3tir.sr». Also G«=er*I Re:n*£i S*>op f, r Eie* llīlk, Cora Milk. W*ter WheeK \V{nd Jblk. etc. ( r dse Cle«n:r e of Cofiee, rt51s. K«uns lUeaie, Piaeapple Leaee* i ol!jcr Fibroa-* F!«nt*. AnJ F*per SU<k AUo MioUiee* f r E.Ttrk't!n»: St*rrh (roM th« itiu; <•, Am'w E- vl, tlc. tV AIl t>rters pp.>m;'tlT *tten ie-i to. WHITE. RITMAN «5\ CO. THE Ppovisionol taiwt OFFrciAL LIST OF ME'I BERS AND LOCATION OF BDKEAUS. Execitiv« Cocxcii. !>. B. DoV. P' *■ i; >f Pr"Ti.■.>’!■«• ij.iv»rr ment »f tht> ;ii<r.*a*u bltndt »’•>■! M>:itsler of Ft>Mrn Aff»ir». J. A. Kine. Slin!«ter»f t!>«» Tnteri»r. S. M, IHm»n. TUni<!cr of Fituir.ee. w. I >.Atkmtp6tiimL Advisory Corvrn,. ff.Ci WB«ier. Vloe-Pn«!iltlit »f the Pr»vl.(en«l Govertunet>( ol the HaunUUn I<Un.l.<. & B»lte, John Emme!ush. i'wll Br»wn, K. D. Tenre>, J..hn NoU, \V. F Alieii. .lohn Eiu, Uenry W»terhun»e. J*me» F. Jforr*n A. Y»ane. Eil. S ,hr, T. M. Haieh, J>e. P. Menii.ine», fhe». T. R.nlrers. Seervt«ry Kx. * tl A>I» OouneiU. StPBEJ*E CoiKT. Hnn. A. F. Jn>M. rhlcf Ir.»tiee. Hnn. R. F. Rlekert»n, Fīr<t ■rl»te Jn<tiee. Hon. W. F. Fre*r. See»nil A«w utv Ju»tiec. H> tirv Sr.iltli. <Tiief. ). rt. *»*», l.ue» ». Deputy *Terk. F. Peter«on,Set .n.l !>ej.nty <Terk. J. W«;ut Jone*. Steuogn»j>lier. Cibccit Jcdges. Fir t nrenlt; v' 5 h,tln *<f Ouhn I tf. E. Co«iper. t See >11.1 Cirr-.tif (M«ui) \. N. Kepolkal. Third«ml K.mrthcireaits: (H«w«ll)s. L,Au»tm Flfth Cireuit: iKuuoi) J, llardy. Offlces »nd Court-nx>m In Court Hnn<e, Kine street. >ittiiiu In Kiinolu’u T'i • fir»t Mouday iu Fibruary. M»y, Aujt :st »nd Ntvcmber. Dcp*rmKMT or Fouigx A>t*irs. OfBee in Cupltot HulMl <*. Kluj «treet. Hi» Etcellency 3uu(»rl ti. Uo.e, elitii»!er oi Forelgu A3alrs. «"ieo. C. Hotter. seeret<ry. W. Hor.ec Wn<;ht, Liouel llart, Ck>rW«. P«PARTMKXT 0T ISTRKIOBOfBoc In Execut;ve Buiuling, Klng *treet. His ExecIIeney J. A. Klng. MInl«ter of Iaterior. Chtef CJcr*. Johu A. Has< uger. As»ista.u Cier»s: Jmne» U. itoyd, M. K. K>’ohok«loie. stephen Mauaulu, Ueoiue C. Ko>» Ed«ard s. Boy<L BCKEAC 0T AGBtvCLTCRK A5P F0KE5ĪRT. Pien' lenl: Hi< Exeeileney t!;e Miul->er o( Interlor. Wm. <> lrwin. Al!«n Herbert, Jonn Kn». J<«epU Marsdea, Coinmi.vdoaer au<i Seciet»rj. CHIEF» OF UCRlAC«, I.VtEKiOR nEP*KT*KXT Snrveyor-Oener.il. W. D. Aleiatider. Supt. PuM e Work», W. E. Koweiu Supt. W»u>r ff.irks, Audre« Bmwd. Iu«i<et tor, Electric l.lght». John Ca.«sidy. Ke<fi«tr«r <<( C <uvcy«nce«. T. <t. Thrum. Ko«d Supervl*<.r. ll >no!u.u. W. I! Cumml'igs Cuief Engine< r Fire lvpt„ J«.v II. Hunt. SUpt. luaalle A«\ lum, Ur. A. JteW«yue. Depaktjikst or Ft>*xc*. OlBce, Executive 8uilding, Kiug street, i ini«ter o( Fui«nce, Hi« ExceIIency S- M Oamon. Audltor-Ucaen»I, Oeorge f. Ro»«. K(>uistr«r o( Accouuts. W. <J. A«iiiey. CletX of Fln«u<>e \)IB<<>. E. A. Melnemy. Colieet.)r-<«ener»i o( t ;i»tom. J «». B. T«x A«»ioor, < >an J i!i«. su«w. I)epiity Tax Ai >r. W. C. Wee<lon. Pjetm«stcr • rener«;. J. Mort u«t, CC5TT * 3 BCKE\C. Offlce.Cust im Uou-<<. E«pl»n«de. Fort »ti Coilector-<Tener»!. Jt«. B. C«jitle. Dsputy-Co .eel- <r F. B. MeStooker. H»rt»irui«.«teT. eaplaln A. Faii«r. Port .Surveyor. M. x 'ii. lem, storekeeper, Ueome C. ':rat< meyer. Dep*rt*ent or immr-Gi»uu Offlce in KJng street-Attomey-Ocner*l. W. O. Smltn : Ih-puty A::orney.<ieiier*J, ti. K WUJer. Clerk. J. M. Kea. M«r»:i*i, K. <». Hieeheoek. Cierc to M<r>haj. H. M. I»w. Dep<aty Mar»hai. Arthur M. Browa. J«llur 0«hu Prt*>t:. J. A. lx»w. Pri*un Physicīaa. I>t. C. B. Cooper. B'=*kd or Ixinsuno.t. Pr:<sldent. HU Exee!’«oer A. Klng. Mcmher ol tb- .k«*rto( imriugr»:i ja: ««>. J. il AtaerP>:.. J«». tt. H >n. A. 3, C;<gh >ru, Jmaes <j. epeacer, Mar* p. KoMawia. Secretary, Wr«y T«yUir. B0AX0 0T HtALTH. Offloe In gr>and»of Coort Hoo»e Bal:dlog eoruer <>( Mi.ilu: *a l vfaoeu s»reets. Memhen: Dr. D»r. Pr. Miner. Dr. Andrews, J. T W«terhoa<e Jr.. John Eua. Theo» V. »-««™»««g ke<1 Attorney-<ieaer»i sn*Uh. Presldent—w. o s«i:i S«rct»rT—cha_». W;looxExccuUve OiBecf —C. B. ReynoU!<. Ia»pector« .d K*c«_;«>r ol <j*rl«*e ret ,-lee-L. L U Pterrc. !c»p*etur—<i. W. C. Jmem. P >rt Phr«tcuui, Dr.»}. B. ,kadrews.. I>Upeas«rr, Dr. H. W. HowanL Lcper S«rtt.e3ie>lt, ūr. & *. uJiver. Boaxd EhtrcATios. Court Uoom BuQdlhg, Kl.:gVrect. Presldent, Hon. C R. B!.«hop seeretary. W. J«mcs Smlth. lo»pect>.r of nehool», A. T. A!tin*on. Diynurr Cocrt. Pollee Su;ion adiJ Ung t Meprh*at »tree! A ,5. X. Kohert*on, M»<t«tr«t* jAii.es A. J Ji.jiiip.-wiu, Clerk