Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 114, 16 May 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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ii!mr>ire Saloon, JAMES OLD«. Pfcpmnt>*. Fing M/ine& liqoof$, EeeP, alwats hasi>, Corner Nuoana *ad Holei S’Jwti 241. Pc«t O3ioe &; x lO^ E?tablisbed 1863 Pioneer Steam Candy FACTOiiY BACKERĪ ffll 1CE CEEi« PAEL0RS F. HOKN. Pri>prif-L>r. j j V</ din o’ an < / Bi rt hday Cakes to Order. Fannj Breud and Gunvn JeUy. Fact rv an3 St< re, No. 71 King S:reei. Bolb Telephone!» 74 «p2S BRUCE&A. J. CARTWRICHT uf a Fidnd*nr X*ture Tr*iisacted. i’rompt attention given to the management o( Enlalea. Gnanlian8hijw, Trusls. etc., etc., etc. Ojfioe*, : Ca.ivright B\xiUtmg, Mercha.nt Street. Huuolnla. H. MAY & Co., Tea Dealers, Coffee Roasters AND Provision Merchants 98 Fort Street. - Honolulu FamiIios, PIantations aml Ships 8tipplied with choicest Kuwpean it.l merican Groceries Califoruia Produce by Everv Steamer. ,Sans Sonci HDTEL, WAIKIKI, UONULOLU. ■ -X - * * t ■ ■ ■ *•* Firsf-Cl3ss Aeeommooafions for fourists and /s/and Guesfs SUFER/OR BATH!NG FACIUTIES. Frirate Cottages for FamilieS. T. A. SIMPSON. Manflger, CHEAP FURNITURE ! YUS(3 F4T & Co, Corner of King and Bethel Sts., Honolulu, Ofier a large assortment of fine and dcsirable FURMTURE, arbich they sell at a very low figure. Bedsteada, Bureaus, 3Jeat Safes, Wardrobes, etc., at pricea to suit everrbody. Call «nd inspect foryourselTea. mflr 12 YING F4T A CO.