Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 114, 16 Mei 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

H. E, S( Be\o IMPORTERS A>‘D DEALERS IN Groceries, 3 3 rovisions ASD Feed, EAST.CORNER FORT A'K I NG.STS. New Goods Rec'd Bv even* Packet fmna the Ev«tern States an»! Eorope. Fresh CaIiforni» Prr<ioce bv even »tearaer. All onlers faithfullr attrndeii t.», and Gt> iielivered to anv p.art of the *:ty FREE 0F CHARGE. LsIauJ Oi\lers Solicite 1. Sat >fsction Guitrauk- d. Po>> Office Boi N •• 14ō. Tele ihoee No. 9“i.

TKNTl I Annual Meeting 0F TI!E H AA\TV 1 LVX Joekev (’lul). — JUXE U, 189-k 0tli(‘ial Proii - ramme c Races to Commence at 10 a. m. Sharp. lsr —BICVCLE RACE. Prize Sliver Meilal; I mile daāh. F'ree f>»r all. 2— PLAIE I Running R:ice; 1 mile daah. Free U>r all. 3— HONOL UL U PLATE | Trotting and Paciug, t-> Uameae; 1,40 class. Free for ali. Mile heats; b*st 2ia 3, 4— OCEANIC S.S.CO’S CU P. * ADDED. Ruuuing Race; l iniie dasL. For Hawaiian brcil. 5— PRESIDEXT WIFMANNS CUP, $ . ADDED, Running R »ce; liuni'.e d»sh.| Free for ali. 6 —KAPIOLANI pakk PLATEI Trotling and Pacing; 2:40 class. Free f>r all. M.le tieat; best 2tn 3. Pacers to go to road cart. 7— KALAKAUA PLATE # Trotting R»ce;. 4 mile »iash For Huwaiian bred, 8— KAUAI PLATE $ Running R-ee; 11 mile d»sh. Fv>r Hawaiian bred. 9— JOCKEY CLUB PI,ATE ♦ Trottingnnd Pacing, to harn -ss Freef>rali. Mile heata; best 3 in 5. 10— ROSlTA CHALLENCE CUP, * ADDED. Rimning Ra»>j; 1 m;le d >sb. Freefor all. Winner lo bst record of Ang;e A, 1:401. 11— KAMEHAMEHA PLATE Trotting and Pacing, to harnes-. F>r Hawaiian br- J; mile heats; be-l 2 in 3. 12— PONY RACE ♦ Running Race mile dash. For Hawaiian bre»l Ponies; 14 baudsand under;catch we ght 13— MAUI PLATE I Trottingand Pacing, lohamew 3 minule class. FcrH»wai;an bred. Mile heat>; btst 2in 3. eair,ts are t*j}b»madwith the Secretary, at ihe oliee of C. O. Derger, on Merchant Street, brf»re 2 p m Wednestluy, Jnne Bth. Ih94, at «bich timethey wi.lci'>«e. E.,trv !<?ej t» be 10 per Crnt, >>t the pur>»e, unless other«L' * epeeinee. Al’i r >■: - are to b» run or tr >tt>.il tLe ru • ? of tfce Joc-k-y Club. £V'AIi borsea arj cxp.*cted