Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 114, 16 May 1894 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

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We are asked, if Mr. Hatch s latest appointraeut “charge d ati',»irs Heary (former!y Heiurich) F. Giade is u Huwai- | iun subjeet. Ue is not. And us Mr. Hatch is ;»waro ho ho!ds oflice coutrurv to the laws nf the country. When Mr. A. Hotl:iung was appoiuted charge il’ affuirs for Great Britain i» special act was passed, m;»king him a denizen of Hawaii. -N T o sach uction has been t »ken iu the case of Mr. Glade. Mr. W. G. Smitb, of tho Star. h:»s rcsigned, und Mr. Arthur Johustoue will, ;»t j)resent, edit the papen The retiring editor is a very able joarnalist, and has the credit of having introdaced pers.'iial jonrnalisra mto these islauds. The many enemies that Mr Smith has made through his brief career should reraember tuat he is simply u professional journulist who »vr.tes for so mueh a line or eolamn, or p;»per, and , tbat he indivi»lually is uot eontrolle«l by any biased or partisan foelings. Mr Smith is not goicg by tbe īrmgard as st:»te»l in tbe “Tiser.” His successor, Mr. Johnstone, is well kno»vn bere. He muy be able to fill Mr. Smitb’s editorial cb;»ir—be will never be able to fill tbe St<ir. Is xox the p. g. powers attempting to create a race prejudice by tbeir illēg;»l favoring of tho l’ortaguese ? It is reportod th;»t not u single Miaister of the p g. partv, frv>m Dole down, ean repeat the »iecalogae. The p. g.’s must be proa»l of the tl>»g whieh tiutters over the gran»l reception ba.ll of the E\ecutive Building. Admir .1 Walker woulil teach the oligur ch:sts a lesson if he bad charge. He woulo te:»ch them to respect the fiag.