Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 113, 15 Mei 1894 — Let'em Vote. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Let'em Vote.

Women are preparing for t T franchise and h »va ;.-_'un bv re&Jing up the historj of of the men who have played an important part in Aostrali n po!it cs. At a fiscal <lebate held a few nights siuoe in the snbarbs there were many iad!<?' present. Mr. Childers had sp.<ken for frte tr de. “He is m relative of HC. E Childers,” a gentleman expUine»! to one of his lady frien.ls “Ynu ve heanl n( him ’ “Ofc • <-' siid the i-i lv: 'he mvent e<! a torpedo. ihe fact that one of onr tori edo boats i> callcd, Tue Cbiider m iy have h >d something to do witb it. —T ; *■ .4:<''/- ilian.