Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 113, 15 Mei 1894 — Very Much Worried. [ARTICLE]
Very Much Worried.
Tiie Governtnect org<ms have V>een iu an extrouie state of worrving Iately over the presence in this t *wn of Mr J. W. Brown. The poliee anthorties have scra - lelieil their npper anil the ' Cnstouj Honse pfficials h»vej looked as wise as owls. Mr. Brown stai<l a few weeks here and succeeded in tbrowing the governmeat maehiae into a state of cotii t Fiually everybody woke up and everybody wanted j to know. Mr. Brown conldn’t| get a passport—so said the Star. j Mr. Brown was distinctly “opium Bro.vn,” so said the Ailverti$er. 1 11 the meaniime Mr. J. W. i Brown who is a very unassnraing ! quiet and gentlemanly persou weut aboat his basiness and| I when ho was ready to leave the j | islands he called ;»t tbe Custom ! H<rase and was furnished his passj»ort as anyother visitor is to i this alleged “Paradise of the . Pacific.’’ The Anver(i*er moaned, the Xtar foamed and the ani thoriti( 8 looked so gloomy thati a representative of tho Holomi’a i considered it proper to eall on Mr. Browu and .enqnire from i hiai persoiially if he possessed| | any qualitios that legitimutely j j conld canse the moaning, the. | foaming aud the ‘glooming’’ of the parties dressed m brief auI thority j i Qtie*iion —Mr. Brown, llow did | you eome to Honolulu? —I am here. Que*tion. —Certainly I see you. fs that all you eould teli me in i -i i regard to your arnval? An*ircr. —Yon ask ‘ Castle'’ of! | thc Custom House. Qtt< <’ion. —What is your J)usi- ; ness ht re' An? ver. —Investigatingfor the i benetlt of my friendsaad aquaiu- : tauces tlie best obtaiuablo braud | of whiskey. Q(iC'lioti. —Do you make a living that way? .4hs /. —M\ friends ara satisfied. Qi'C.'(t >n. —How long will you i stay? .4h.s"<c. -Uutil I leavo The NiiUou .1 B uul has beeu coutract ed for wheu I ara readv to eo Q i' •ti"n. -Do you know ‘*Opiam” Brown? _4ns '*r. — I do not. Qa*''ion. —Have yon an\ thing for pablication? — ln view of the annovmce that I h.ive baeu sub- * ' ; mittod to by sorae the press I woald I ask you to state that I am easily found and always open for an in-S tervic.v with a reporter who posisessesthe gift of beiug abie to tell Iho truth—more than I eau sav fcr the reprcsentatives of the ' S'ar and -4• rti--r. Tbe HoloKCA represeat itive then bo»<id himself ont receiving the card of Mr. lrown whieh reads in big letters. ‘ James Wai.tek Bkown.”