Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 113, 15 May 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Jllational Ipon WoP^ QV£ZS Stkeet. Bctween Alakea & Rioharvl SU. THE O* I'EKj>I< iVED it to m*ke «tli kir i> >t Itoxl Bn$«, Ewaie, /ī r_,* Tia ieū L«ad C*sacir», Al*> R«p«ir Siwp for Ste«m Engic<s. Sk» MilU. Corn Milk. VT»ter Wlad Milla, *Ur. Mjfhi?,ri for th« Cle*c;r“g of Coffee, Oil*. Beacs Kimīe. S:«d, Lmv« i otLcr Fibrv>n< PUau. Anii F*per SCo>ck AUo M*etuaes for ExtTactiag Surcb fru* tbe Minioo, Arr'. » Root, eto. iy .\U Or ’t !s pr.-n;pt]_T itter.ieJ to. WHITE. RITMAN £\ CO. THE Piwiwl Govennent OFFICIAL LIST 0F MB\I BERS AXD L<>CATĪON OF BDREAUS. Execi*tivk Cocxctl. S B. P’>. P- «: 'f th- Pro> (■‘io-ia' 0‘'T<rament "f th ' H«o-«;Un IiUuiil*. »ni Mmi*ter of Fcre!fj .*.^ur«, J. A. Kins. M!ni»ter f the lnterlor. r. M. I> 1 —.■': . M; ,.-»r 'f r';■! ir;ce. 'V. O. snmn. AU r Advi»jrt Cocxcn.. W.e. WlMer. Vk>-Pre»!ient of Ihe Prr>T!ston«i Governtuent of ihe d«wiitan !«l»n.ts. C. B.Cte, Joha Krnnielnth. l'eeil BMwn. K. l>. Tenn«v. Joha NoU, W. F Allen. John Kn«, Henry W«terhor'.»e, Jnrae» F. M<'ririn A. Yonnir. Kd. S hr. F. M. H«u h, Jos. P. Mendone». Clm. T. Rodgcrs, Secret«ry Kx. > d AJt Oounelli. Stpremk Coukt. Hon. A. F. Judi. Chl?f In«tiro. Hon. K. F, Btekert»n. Fir«t A««.»cl»te Jnstice. Hon. W. F. Fre«r. second A«.« H-i«te Ju>tue. Hrnnr «miei. Chief i ;. rk. Geo. I,i:r. s. I*eputr rierk. C. F. Peter« >n.se>- >nd l»epnty C!erk. J. Wulter Jone«, Stenograpber. ClKCriT Jl*DGES. Fir*t Clrrutt; £ * h £! r "»’| 0»hn Srt”nd Circuit (M->ui) A. N. Kepolk*!. ThndHnd FourthClrc .lt»: (H»w»it)S. U Austin Fl(tU Clreuit: (Kaual) J. Hariy. OlBces »nd Court-room in C»nrt Honse. Ktu>r »trc.r. HliUnn In H'nnlul.; The T.r»t Mo’id»y ta Februar>, M»v, Augu*t «nd NoemUr. DkPARTMEh-r or Foakiox ArrAnis. OiHee in Capitoi Kullil e. KIug street. His ExeeUeucy ?aaford B. Doie, .<Uui»ler of Koieliiu ASairs. Geo. C. Pottcr. Secret» ry. w. Uorace Wnght, laouel Hart, CIerks. Dkpartmsxtof IsteriorOfficc la ExecuUve Bui;iing-, Klng strcct. His "Tccl!eucy J. A. K'oe. Mlnlster of Interlor. ehiei Cler<c. Johu A. H.iss ager. Assi«ta.u Clerss; J,tme» H. Boyd, M. K. Keohokaioie. Hiephen Maliaulu, Gcorge C. K >«» Edurard s. Boy<L Bureau or AancCLTU»E aso F.ire.stry. Prc»iie’if Hls Eie-IIenee ttie Minl«tcr of Intertor. Wm. G lrwin. Ailan H-.-roert, Joha Ea«, J nph Oommla»ton«r Ouid Secietary. CHIkFH OrBURK-4CS, IXTER10B I>EPARTMESr 3tirreyor Gener-iI. W. D. AIcx«ndor. ' tpt. i’uhl e u rki. w. k. Koa. .. Supt. W»tcr Work«. Aiūiew Brown. lu»pector, Electric Uant», John Ouldy. Kegistrar »1 C •uveva.i.-.-«, T. G. Thrum. Koa.i Supervisor. ll >noin;u, W. H Curaming» Chiet Kugineer Fire Dcōt.. Ja.«. H. HunU. Supt. luaaue Asylum, līr. A. MeWapne. D«partiiest or Fisasce. OiBce, Execntive Buii.ling, Ktng street, iiini»ter of Fln«nce. Hl» Exce'.Je;iey is- M. Iiaiuon. AadUor-GcneraI. George J. Ro««. KeRi.«trrr o( Account«. W. O. \«.uey. Cterk of Ploauee Oihee, E. A. Mciaer.iT. Coliector-Ganera! o£ Custom, J .«. B. Ca»lle. T«x Assea» >r, o*hn, J >ut. r i ,w. Depnty T«x A«aessor. W, C. WeeOon. Pu»ta>a»t«r-Geueral, J. Mort Oat, CUSTOIffS BCRXAU. Offlcc, Custom Hou>c. Esplanade, Fort streeL Codertor-Geaera!. Jts. B. Cutle. Deputy-Co>.ecvor F. B. Mcr-t cker. Harhor.naster, Captain A. Fu..er. Port s ;rvc.Tor. M. s s«n.P.-rs, Storekceper, G- rge C. «;ra;-Bieyer. Depart»est or attorset-Grse»au. Offlce In Executlve Bailiing, Klng »trert-Attoraey-Gener«l. W. O. 3mita Deputy Attarcev.Geaerai, G. K. WUier. Clcnt, J. M. Kea. Mars.ini, E. G. H;tcheock. Clerk tn M«r»hal. U. M. l*ow. Deputy Marsaai. Arthur M. Browu. Jauor Oann Prt»on. J. A. Low. Fn».jn i*hyaci»ii, Dr. C. U. Cowpcr. BoaRO OF I*«MRATtOS. Pr“s!i- nt. MN Eto ::m>-> A. K. ;?. M«tuber <>f the iioani ot i-ara: <r<!. >:i; tlou. J. B. At3ert.ia.Jv». B. C**:'.e, H.ra. A. S. OgD >m, i»m> . G. .'peaecr, Mar» P. Hohin» >a. Se«rtet»ry, Wr*y T«ylor. Boaro or Hxalth. Offlee in jronndsof Conrt H mse Baildlng, coracr u£ Miuiaal au.1 Ma«--a stree;i. Metnber» Dr. D«v. Dr. Min*r. Dr. .Vn irews, j. T. W«terh»a»e Jr . Joaa Eat. Theo. F. L«uaiag «ni At»rney-iieii-.-r*i 'nuth. Ppe»i leut—H< a. w. oomitn. Secre!*rv — i_ u. W icox. Execa::re Offlcer— C. B. Reyno’.i». In»pector • .<1 Haii*jer at >JartiHge Set rtee *L, L L» Plcrre. In»pect»r—«J. W. C. Jone». Port PhyslrU ', Dr.a. 3. Anirews. DUpx-n»*ry. Dr. H. W. How«rd. Leper settlvmedt, Dr- R. K. oaver. 3oars or Edccatios. Coart Uj3M 3 ;Udtng, Ki>;g>:reet. Presl ient, Hon. C R. R!«3 >{x Secret»ry. W, J«me« s attn. lti»pect r ai •ehoo-A, A. T. Atki*son. Dt#TjacT Coc*r. PaUee 3tsUoa SnCilng. Mercfa*nt Krwt A .i. M. Rvtben«oa. M tji»tr«t», i. lōumpaoo, CkiJs