Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 113, 15 May 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
J-j, E. McInxy^ e <%, B^o IMPORTERS AND PE.\LERS IX CTi*cx:eries, 3?rovisions A>T) Feed, EAST»CORNER FORT A.K I NG.STS. New Groods Rcc'd Bv even* Packet from the Ristr rn St;itos an4 Enrope. Fresh CaIifornia Proiace by even* -iieamo^. All onlers faithfallv attenJe»l to, aml ls •lolivere<.i to anv part of tho city FREE OF CHARGE. IslanJ Orier> SoIieitev. Sat sfaction Guarante »1 Post Offioe Box N>. 14ō. Telej hone No. 9*2.
TKXTI L Annuai Meeting — —OF THE HAAVAILVN Jockev (1ub. JUNE ll. 1894. Ollieial Proirramme Races fo Cornmence at 10 a. m. Sharp. lsr—BICYCLE RACE. Prize Sliver Meelal; 1 mile dash. Free for all. 2— HAWAII PLATE $ Running Uae-*; 4 mile dash. Free for ali. 3— HONOLULU PL.\TE $ Trotting and Pacing, to Hameaa; 1.40 class. Free for ail. Mile heats; besl 2in 3. 4— OCEANIC S.S.CO’S CUI*. f ADDEU. Running Race; 1 miie dasb. For Hawaiian bred. 5— PR ESIDENT WIE MAN N’S CUP, 4 . ADDED, Running Race; 11 mile dash. Free for all. 6 —KAPIOLANI, PAKK PLATE Trotting and Pacing; 2:40 class. Free for ail. Mile fteat: best 2 m 3. Pacers to go to road cart. 7— KALAKAUA PLAIE I Trotting Race; 4 miie dash For Hawaiian bred. 8— KAUAl PLAIE $ Running Race; 1$ mile Jash. For Hawaiian bred. 9— JOCKEY CLUB PLAIE * Trottingaud P;>cing. to barness Free for all. Mile heats; best' 3 in 5. 1C —R0SITA CH ALLENC E CUP, * ADDED. Running R,tce: 1 nnle da?h. Freefor all. Winner to b.*ct record of Angie A. 1:451. 11— KAMEHAMEHA PLAIE *- Trotting and Pacing, to * harnes-. For Hawaiian bred; miie heats; best 2 in 3. 12— PONY R.\CE* • _ (< Rnnning Rjce 4 ‘ miie dash. For Hawaiiau bred Ponies; 14 ■ haodsand nnder;c:itch se ght. 1 13— PL.\TE *--- Trotlingand Pacing, to harness 3 minule ciass. For Hawaiian brrd. Mils heats; best 2in 3. entries are to |b" roade with the Socretary, at tue oOioe of C. O. Berger, on Merchant Street, before 2 p v Wednes<iaj, June Cth. 1894, at wh : ch time tbev wiil close. Eutrv feesto be 10 per cent ot the pnne, unir»s otherwise specified. ; • • arv rc- r trrj>tteil under the rules of tlie Jockey Club. £0' Ail horses aro ex^ectod
?tart unle*r withdrawn by l'o’olook noou. on June -Hh. l s '*4. niU't ar;-';ir on the track at the tap of the bell fn>m the Jud.'tand otbenfi»e they wiil be fineil. G«n«ul tddEtbsion 30 cents GrauJ [extn] 30 oeat' iUil ${ Carri*ge [insūte of course} eueh.. ...$2,ō0 Qu«rwr»tietcb badges $2,30 AV. M.Gitlard, Seeretaty Hamilno Joekey Clob. may 10 —2 wks dly OCEAXIC SteamsliipCo Time Table. LOOAL LIXE. S. S. AESTUALIA. Elii’oUi^h From San Fr.m. for Sydney. Arrive Honolulu From Sydney for 8an Francisco. Leave Honolulu. Manposa 3IonoWai Alameda. Mariposa Monowai AlameUa. Maripo'a M>nowai Alameda. Mar 8 Apr 5 May 3 .Ma V 31 .June Joly “26 . Aug 23 Sei>t 20 .Oct 18 The “ Eagle House ” The Lease and the (rOud I Vill of fhis FavorUe Family Uoiel. THERE ARE F0UR DETACHED C )ttag»s annex d to tbe Hotel suītab!e f >rprivate faraili>H. The main buildit)g contains 20 Bed Rooms large I>ining Koom. Parlor. etc. The furniture ie all elegmt and in g»XKi condition. The Grounds are beautifully laid out in Trees, Floweis, Fern.s, and other Plants. This bu3Ī!iess c»n be br>ught at a bargiin on ea«y terms as lo payment. JfJT“ADplv to T. E* KROL*SE, Ar’.ington office. may 0-1 wk. DAX. LY()N'S □ANCiftQ CL^SSES Meet at Arion Hall everv T'JESDAY md FRlDAV NlNGS, at 7 O'eioek. Also, on everv Satl'BHAY Aktek.v ».v at 2 0’eloek. Tuition, 25 cents for e? eh L°s|5on, and satisfaction gaaranteed |or no cbargea mad-. I may 8-tf